Responsable du Pôle Biotechnologies & Agronomie
- Microbial ecology applied to biological processes in wastewater and waste treatment.
- Development of specific molecular tools (DGGE ARISA quantitative PCR, high-throughput sequencing)
- Valorisation of organic carbon from wastes: renewable energy and biobased products
- Agricultural recycling of organic waste products, ecosystem services
Coordination for Veolia in two “Investments of the Future” projects:
- the PIVERT Institute (Picardy Plant Science Innovation, Teaching, and Technological Research) which belongs to the “Institutes for Energetic Transition” program specializing in innovation, experimentation and training devoted to plant chemistry based on oleaginous biomass
- TWB (Toulouse white Biotechnology) which is a preindustrial demonstrator that develops innovational sustainable production pathways by privileging the development of an economy based on the use of renewable carbon
Representative of the industrial partners on the SAS PIVERT Board
Mars 2014 : Lauréate du Concours Mondial d'Innovation" pour l'ambition n°4 "Chimie du végétal"
Mes compétences :
Montage de projets
Pas de formation renseignée