Ecole Centrale Paris
- Software engineer
2012 - maintenant
Developing a market microstructure simulation library. Technologies: Python, knockoutjs, Scala, C++
- Software engineer
Le Chesnay
2010 - 2012
Developed a framework to easily implement language bindings (bindings to Python and F# are
implemented so far) for a library of option pricing Premia. Developed a Web-interface to the library.
Developed a C++/Python framework for market microstructure simulation in collaboration with Ecole
Centrale de Paris. Technologies : C++, F#, Python, knockoutjs, Excel API, boost
Saint-Petersburg University for Informatics, Mechancs and Optics
- Lecturer
2008 - 2010
Read a course on CLR and .NET languages: C#, F#.
- Software engineer
2008 - 2010
Design and implementation of a GIS and data preparation tools for a virtual reality system used for
military and emergency trainings. Technologies : C#, F#, C++, C++/CLI, IronPython, Stackless python,
Alienbrain API, boost, DirectX
- Software engineer
2007 - 2008
Worked to develop a system for algorithmic trading. Technologies : C++.
- Software engineer
Le Chesnay
2006 - 2007
Developed an add-in for MS Excel allowing to price options using Premia library. Technologies : C++,
FORCE technologies
- Software engineer
2005 - 2006
Design and development of a virtual reality system for used navigator training. Technologies : C#,
- Software engineer
2003 - 2005
Design and development of virtual reality system used as entertainment and education
complex. Implemented number of artificial intelligence and computational geometry algorithms.
Technologies : C++, boost, OpenGL, CGAL
MADia Entertainment
- Software engineer
2003 - 2003
Was involved in developing first-person shooter Operation: Matriarchy which is similar to the "Half-
life" game. Developed a part of the game logic (weapon behavior, damage model, bots' behavior &
navigation). Technologies : C++, OpenGL
Emeris Technologies
- Software engineer
2000 - 2003
Development of extension modules for MS InternetExplorer, MS Word, MS Excel allowing to
annotate documents and Web pages. Technologies : C++, ActiveX, MS Word API, MS Excel API
- Software engineer
1997 - 2000
Developed a translator from macroassembly language for a new CPU. Implemented CPU instructions
set in microcode. Technologies: C++, AWK