Société Générale
- Trading software developer
2013 - maintenant
Development of a request price bridge for DCD and forex options in C#.
Société Générale
- Trading software developer
2012 - 2013
Lead the order passing optimization on the trading application on options and warrants in C++ and C#.
Société Générale
- Trading software developer
2011 - 2012
Lead a C# application of algorithmic execution for ETF, baskets and stocks.
Société Générale
- Trading software developer
2009 - 2011
Lead a high frequency trading volaltility application in developed in C#. Market targets are Liffe and Eurex.
Société Générale
- Trading software developer
2006 - 2009
Development and improvement on the trading application on equity dervatives for worldwide traders (Paris, NY, HK, TK). Application scopes are contribution, hedging and hitting on listed options and warrants. I lead the pricing and contribution module.
Société Générale
- Trading software developer
2006 - 2006
Contributed to a realization of the application of Click Option products and deals management. ProDeal was responsible of product creation and deal insertion in real time. It was developed in java.
Société Générale
- Trading sotware developer
2004 - 2006
Development and improvement on the application of equity derivatives. This application named MTS was responsible of contribution, hedging and hitting worldwide. It was developped in C++ on Solaris system.
Société Générale
- Trading software developer
2004 - 2004
For my last training, I developed a real-time monitoring console for an fund arbitrage application in C++.