BNP Paribas Securities Services
- Project and Business Change Manager
2018 - maintenant
BNP Paribas Securities Services
- Head of Income and MPA
2016 - 2018
Silhouette Wellness SA
- Operating Director
2013 - 2016
* General management of 6 Fitness Clubs with around 10 000 clients ;
* 10 people in Direct line management ;
* Responsible for the set up of the strategy, marketing, HR, P&L ;
* Link between Geneva and Zürich
- Leisure Operations Manager & HR support
2013 - 2013
* Manage 3 teams composed of: receptionists, cleaners, lifeguards, fitness coaches, PT's, instructors (total of
approx.25 people)
* Overlook H&S standards including and pool plant management: improving H&S standards from 60% to 80% ;
* Train the team in H&S ;
* Work closely with the sales team for member events; acquisition of new members ;
* Stock control for retail and sports nutritional products ;
* Cover HR related matters recruitment, disciplinary and grievance, learning and development for the entire hotel
staff (approx. 125p)
* Strong organisation and re-structuring focused tasks ;
* Current member count: 3600, end of year target 4000 members ;
* Ensure new services and products are set up in compliance with company brand standards ;
* Mystery guest score improvement from 80% to 97%
- Training Administrator
2012 - 2012
* Manage the training department from an administrative point of view
* Ensure effective communication with trainers, instructors and club owners/group exercise managers
* Support Education development and sales ;
* The positive results lead to the promotion to Education and Training Manager (first time in the company history
the role included both main product pillars LES MILLS courses and events and Personal training courses)
- Education & Training Manager
2012 - 2013
* Plan, organise, develop education for LES MILLS as well as Trigger Point, TRX, ViPR, BOSU, XLR8, ACE PT,
PTA Global
* Sell, promote and set up overseas training for clubs in Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey etc. ;
* Consult clubs in set ups for member events ;
* Manage the Master trainer team (approx. 25p) and administration and accounts team (3p) ;
* Write an Operational manual for the education department within 3 months
* Manage the Indian office from Dubai: increase of offer in training and introduce new training courses to the
* Organise LES MILLS Quarterly Workshops including: choice of the venue, schedule the program, organise
logistics, overlook the event, deal with clients
* Supervise sales team (4p) in order to ensure the training course occupancy increases and the cancellation of
courses reduces
- Health & Fitness Coordinator & Retention Manager
2011 - 2012
* Generally supervise, lead and coordinate operations of Health & Fitness department ;
* Manage group exercise team and PT team (approx. 15p) ;
* Ensure quality control and customer service with the objective to retain current members (approx. 2500) ;
* Interim Club Manager reporting to the GM for 3 months ;
* Organise member events on a quarterly basis
Wellness Club
- Group Fitness Manager & Assistant Manager
2010 - 2010
* Additionally responsible for: Purchase and Product presentation (Fitness nutritional products), Group
exercise instructor
* Restructure the teams and set up new procedures and quality standards
* Re-assure existing members in regards to re-organisation and management changes
* Supervise fitness coaches, instructors, receptionists, cleaners (approx. 25p)
* Organise member events and manage group exercise timetable
* These tasks are additional to the tasks I covered before the promotion
- Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor
2010 - 2011
Build up and organise PT business from 0 PT clients up to 10 - 12 regular clients within approx. 2 months
Wellness Club
- Assistant Fitness Manager
2009 - 2010
* Back office: Contract administration, accountancy, member satisfaction, retention and recovery of unpaid
* Sales and Marketing of memberships ;
* Customer service, Equipment maintenance, purchase and product presentation: stock control, product
selection and promotional offers
* Group exercise instructor
Neumann Internationale
- Chargée de recherche internationale
2008 - 2008
En tant que chargée de recherche internationale au sein du cabinet de recrutement par approche directe "Neumann Internationale" spécialisé dans le middle et top management mes missions principales étaient les suivantes:
- Recherche de candidats, gestion des annonces et descriptions de poste (en allemand et en anglais)
- Présélection, entretiens téléphoniques (en français, allemand et anglais)
- Gestion des rendez-vous d'entretien avec les consultants
- Suivi des candidats potentiels
- Organiser les short-list avec les clients
Kelly Services
- Chargée de recrutement et assistante d'agence
2007 - 2007
Au sein de "Kelly Services" une agence de travail temporaire à taille internationale j'ai effectué un de mes stages durant mes études à l'ESGF en "Ressources Humaines & Financement". Ce stage était en alternance et m'a fait découvrir le monde de l'intérim dans le secteur tertiaire.
Durant les 5 mois, j'ai été entre autres responsable pour la pré-sélection des CV, les entretiens téléphoniques, l'audit interne, le recrutement intégral de certain poste, la saisie des heures et la passation des tests.
WORK 2000
- Assistante d'agence
2006 - 2006
"WORK 2000" est une agence de travail temporaire à niveau régionale. Cette agence à Chambéry, où j'ai passé en tout 6 mois, est spécialisé dans le bâtiment, TP, gros œuvres.
Cette expérience m'a permis de découvrir les différents services au niveau d'une agence et était plus une expérience généraliste de RH. Une enquête de satisfaction qui devait mesurer la qualité du personnel était un des évènements clé pendant ce stage. Mes différentes fonctions étaient les suivantes:
Comptabilité et suivi des résultats mensuels
Préparation et réalisation d'une enquête de compétences du personnel intérimaire
Recrutement et délégation du personnel
Prospection de clients
Accueil physique et téléphonique, pré-recrutement
Préparation des acomptes et tenu du journal des dépenses
physiotherapy centre
- Multi-skilled Assistant
2005 - 2006
* Account and analyse monthly results and records, Human Resources ;
physiotherapy centre
- Receptionist
2002 - 2003
physiotherapy centre
- Tennis and Fitness Coach
2001 - 2009
* Gym Floor and Fitness Trainer: Supervise two sport halls, devise training programs, personal advice and
training, BODYPUMP, indoor-cycling, back-fitness in physiotherapy centre