
Augustin BONNET


En résumé

En recherche active sur le secteur Vaucluse/Bouches du Rhone.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Étude de marché
Analyse de données
Gestion de la qualité
Sciences du vivant


  • Provence Comtat - Fruits Selesperson, Engineer, France/Export and Head of marketing/communication

    2017 - maintenant
  • EURALIS - Seeds Selesperson, Engineer. Euralis Semences. Pays de la Loire/Poitou-Charentes/Bretagne

    LESCAR 2015 - 2017
  • DUPONT PIONEER - Marketing and Communication specialist

    AUSSONNE 2014 - 2015 - Competitor monitoring.
    - The communication budget plan of 2015.
    - Creation of the tests results books and the products catalog, in collaboration with the products manager team and the research team.
    - Advertising creations
  • THÜRING SARL - Introduction into fertilizers industry

    2014 - 2014 Description and explanation of the fertilizers production in industry by Paul THÜRING, who filed a lot of chemical processes patents. Founder of factories in 46 countries.
  • ARTERRIS - Head of production/communication mission

    2013 - 2015 Farm cooperative (1700 employees, 10 000 adherents).
    Final year internship: Optimization of the sunflower yields in line with the commercial objectives. Creation of a communication plan about this topic.
  • Caviar Huso - Head of a commercial/marketing project

    2013 - 2013 Company of caviar production (1 tonne/year).
    Application of a commercial and luxury brand development strategy: Le caviar de Neuvic (marketing-commercial-financial analysis).
  • Hahn winery (California) - Assistant winemaker internship

    2011 - 2011 Winery(400 ha, 400 000 bottles, 29th producer of North America).
    Jobs in wine warehouse and vineyards, ripeness check, wine production monitoring.
  • E.A.R.L. NEEL - Farmer, goat breeding

    2010 - 2010 All kind of works in a dairy-farm: tractor, milking...
  • Domaine de Magnas - Farmer, cereals - sunflower - raspberry bushes - truffle oaks

    2006 - 2011 On the Domaine de Magnas (230 ha). All kind of works in a farm: tractor, seasonal workers manager, storage manager…
    Oak truffles.


  • E.T.S.I. Agrónomos Y De Montes Universidad De Córdoba

    Cordoba 2012 - 2013 Cours suivis : marchés agricoles, viticulture, œnologie, arboriculture...
  • EIP (Ecole Des Ingénieurs De Purpan)

    Toulouse 2009 - 2014 Master's Degree in Food Engineering, Grande Ecole d’Ingénieurs in Agriculture, Food Industry, Manage

    Specialities : Agronomics, Distribution of Food Products, wine, vineyards

    - Graduation ceremony 2013: 93rd promotion of EIPurpan, TOULOUSE (31). In charge of the cocktail organization (900 persons, 15 000 euros).
    - Member of 93rd promotion association of EIPurpan (2009-2012).
    - Member of the wine association: organization of five tasting events (60-100 persons).


Annuaire des membres :