

Paris La Defense

En résumé

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  • Areva - Juriste d'affaires internationales

    Paris La Defense 2012 - maintenant Juriste d’affaires Internationales responsable du support aux zones Europe, Amériques et Australie.
    . Management fonctionnel de deux juristes à l’étranger (plateforme Canada).
    . Responsable du support juridique au développement industriel et scientifique pour les activités médicales AREVA MED.
    . Assistance de la direction stratégie sur les opérations de croissance, partenariats et offres.
    . Support aux équipes commerciales, trading et aux opérations logistiques.
    . Assistance aux projets industriels de construction : Négociation des contrats fournisseurs
    . Elaboration et négociation de contrats français et internationaux: Joint-venture et partenariats, licences et accords de R&D, achats et ventes (biens, services, commodités), garanties, confidentialité
    . Conseil et gestion de pré-contentieux et contentieux.
  • Areva - Legal advisor

    Paris La Defense 2009 - 2012 -Legal counsel areas: Contracts, corporate, intellectual property, real estate, liability issues.
    -Contracts: Drafting and negotiation of domestic and international agreements including engineering services agreements, project management on construction (EPCM - MOE) relating to systems and facilities, turnkey agreements, cooperation agreements, purchasing contracts, non disclosure agreements, affiliate agreements, license.
    -Participation to in-house trainings.
  • Assystem - Legal advisor

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2009 - Legal counsel areas: Contracts, corporate, liability and insurance issues.
    - Analyze and response to call for tender, follow-up of ongoing contracts.
    - Contracts: Drafting and negotiation of domestic and international services agreements (Consultancy and engineering services, assistance to contracting owners (AMOA) and project management (MOE and AMOE) relating to systems and facilities), subcontracting agreements, cooperation agreements (sociétés en participation, G.I.E., Groupements d’entreprises), purchasing contracts, non disclosure agreements.
    - Participation to audits and in-house trainings.
  • TOTAL FRANCE - Legal advisor - international contracts

    COURBEVOIE 2005 - 2007 - Legal counsel areas: Contracts, competition, intellectual property, liability issues.
    - Contracts: Drafting and legal review of non disclosure agreements, supply agreements, purchase agreements, services agreement, trademark licenses, distribution agreements, lease agreements.
    - Projects: Drafting of standard contracts for the international subsidiaries, in the English and French languages: supply agreements, purchase agreements, manufacture agreements, transportation agreement, storage agreement, general assistance agreements, technical assistance agreements, cooperation agreement, agency agreement, distribution agreement, trademark license, technology license, non disclosure agreements, etc.
    - Up-dating of the procedure relating to the delegations of powers and liabilities, setting-up of a dedicated database and implementation of the project with the Information System department.
    - Participation in the workshop on best practices and contract clauses.



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