


En résumé

Assistant professor at IESEG School of Management, I am doing empirical research on banking and financial crises while teaching different courses in Finance mainly at the master level.

Mes compétences :
Économie internationale
Risk Analysis
Reuters Financial Applications
Portfolio Management and Analysis
Money Markets
Microsoft Office
Master theses supervision
Macroeconomic Analysis
Foreign Exchange
Corporate Finance
Bloomberg Software


  • IÉSEG School of Management - Assistant Professor

    Lille 2016 - maintenant Publications:
    “Europe versus the U.S.: A new look at the syndicated loan pricing puzzle” (with K. Oosterlinck and A. Szafarz). Economics Letters, 160, 50-53. (CNRS 3)
    “A Modern Dyonisus’ tale: New evidence on the Greek debt crisis and the related costs” (with L. Ureche-Rangau). Economics Bulletin, 36 (4), 2016, 1938-1950. (CNRS 3)

    EFMA 2017, MFS 2017, 3L Workshop 2016, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management seminar 2016

    Master level: Introduction to Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg, Banking and Financial Intermediaries, Firm Valuation, Coaching Research Techniques, Financial strategy and Company observation (course coordinator)
    Bachelor level: Financial markets
  • Columbia Business School, New York - Visiting Scholar

    2013 - 2013 Research collaboration with Pr. C. Calomiris

    Courses (attended): Macro-econometrics (Ng, S.).
    Seminars (attended): Pre-thesis PhD seminar (Huberman, G.), Financial Economics Colloquium (Nosal, J. & Reis, R.), Monetary Economics Colloquium (Bigio, S., Scheinkman, J. & Bolton P.), Finance Seminars (Columbia University and New York University).
  • IÉSEG School of Management - Teaching and Research Assistant

    Lille 2011 - 2015 Publications
    “One crisis, two crises...the subprime crisis and the European sovereign debt problems” (with L. Ureche-Rangau). Economic Modelling, 35, 2013, 35-44. (CNRS 2)
    “Is there a link between the American S&L crisis in the 80s and the subprime crisis? An analysis of bank returns” (with L. Ureche-Rangau). International Economics, 122 (2), 2010, 57-87. (CNRS 3)

    International Atlantic Economic Conference - International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance - AFSE - GDRE Symposium on Money, Banking, and Finance - Global Finance Association Conference

    Bachelor level: Corporate Finance, Financial Markets
    Master level: Portfolio Management and Analysis tutorials
  • Université de Picardie, Pôle Jules Verne - Teaching Assistant

    2011 - 2013 Money and Finance tutorials
  • CM CIC Gestion - Portfolio Management

    2010 - 2010 Cash management of the portfolios in line with the risk profile of customers
    Buying and selling financial securities (funds, stocks...) for one portfolio as well as for a group of portfolios
    Funds valuation
  • Banque Privée, Crédit Agricole Nord de France - Asset Management

    2009 - 2010 Providing customers with advice on financial and housing investments
  • Dun & Bradstreet, Marlow International - Risk Management

    2008 - 2008


  • Université Libre De Bruxelles (Bruxelles)

    Bruxelles 2016 - 2016 Post-doc

    Post-doc in the CERMi, Centre Européen de Recherche en Microfinance
  • Université Libre De Bruxelles (ULB) (Bruxelles)

    Bruxelles 2015 - 2016 Postdoc

    Post-doc MacroHist Marie ITN fellowship.
    MacroHist is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network, funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme and running until August 2017. It consists of a network of seven leading European academic and research institutions of which the Graduate Institute is the lead coordinator under supervision of Professor Marc Flandreau.

    FMA Europea
  • Université Amiens Picardie Jules Verne

    Amiens 2011 - 2015 PhD - Economic Sciences with honors

    Thesis title: Banks and sovereign credit in financial turmoil
    - Pr. G. Dufrénot (referee)
    - Pr. V. Mignon (referee)
    - Mr. C. Blot (examiner)
    - Pr. C. W. Calomiris (examiner)
    - Pr. N. Nenovsky (examiner)
    - Pr. K. Oosterlinck (examiner)
    - Dr. L. Ureche-Rangau (director)
  • Mc Gill University (Montréal)

    Montréal 2007 - 2008 Finance

    Echange universitaire
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce

    Lille 2005 - 2010 Finance

    Master thesis: The subprime crisis, a repetition of the US Savings and Loans crisis


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