


En résumé

BHS Investment Economic Sustainability Reconstruction Financing Facility was developed by BHS Investment Limited, in consultation with her group of Investors, to help fill a critical gap in the international finance architecture, to strengthening infrastructures and socio-economic development. BHS Finance Facility helps fill the financing gap that occurs in global economic meltdown and the large-scale macroeconomic negatives dwindle. BHS Reconstruction Loan will be made available quickly within timeframe that are essential to support Governments, large corporations and agencies in their front tier of responsibilities which must be in line with our objectives. Our finance facility also aims to help encourage and strengthen ongoing efforts of International Funding Agencies toward better preparedness by reinforcing the need to build strong and resilient economic systems and accelerate the regeneration of world market and trading outlook.

Our Economic Reconstruction Finance Facility was established following the agreement by the group of Investors to offer financial intermediary fund (FIF) administered by our Top Prime Banks: BNP, HSBC Holding, Bank of America, Bank of Mitsubishi, Japan, Mashreq Bank, Dubai. The Reconstruction Loan or Facility is operated in accordance with the objectives, governance arrangements and other terms and conditions set out in the Framework adopted by Chairman of BHS Investment Limited and group of Investors.

To stimulate Africa Confinement Free Trade Area MOU signed between Africa countries, by make available Finance facility that will enhance infrastructures challenge and create efficiency of the agreement that Borrower signed into.

BHS Economic Reconstruction Finance manual has sets out the guidelines related to the operational arrangements and procedures applicable to the activities in accordance with the Loan Facility Framework. The Manual was adopted by the Chairman who heads the loan management committee.

The guidelines set out in this BHS Economic Reconstruction Facility Manual are applicable to all institutions that are eligible.


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