I took a master in Political Science I was a trainee at the european Commission where I started my european career in 1997 inthe DG External relations. Then I worked for an Italian Consultancy in Brussels ( 1999 2001) I was recruited by MEDEF for 9 years ; the first 3 years were in France at MEDEF head Office in Paris where I was responsible for wto follow up ( Intellectual Property Rights/ Bilateral Agreements/ access to Market/ Public Procurement/ Small businesses) as International Affairs Manager.
In January 2005 MEDEF asked me to move to Brussels and join their EU Affairs Office as Deputy Permanent Delegate ; During the time I have been here I have worked on issues such as Collective Redress,wto follow up, Counterfeiting, Inetrenational agreements, staite aids legislation,economical affairs, public procurement , SBA etc... One of my role is to get "advance warning"of new legislation so that MEDEF can react at a very early stage. and believe me it's sometimes difficult.
SpecialtiesI also know a lot about the legislative processes and procedures, and an other important part of the job is to know the best people to talk to on particular time in the process.
I have special responsability for the MEDEF relationships with the EU commissioners , Cabinets and civil servants but naturally with others institutions for the follow up of Issues I'm responsible for.
This means I have to spend a lot of time networking and getting to know all the EU key people .
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Mes compétences :
International law
Public Affairs
Public relations
Pas de formation renseignée