I am a technical and functional engineer with a great sens of details and a challenger.
With a master degree in electronic engineering from a recognized French scool, ENSEA, I have a strong basis in every electronic fields and I am specialized in microwave applications.
I worked in three very different companies, with complementary responsabilities.
My first esperience was in Belgium, at Alstom Transport Belgium. In the quality service, I was in charge of the electrical and mechanical tests.
I worked for the small compagny Lilas Autopartage, as electromecanical engineer. I maintained the electromecanial devices and I studied the possible improvments. I run a information system for a better organization of the service.
My last intership was focused on my electronic specialisation. I studied, designed and assembled various microwave circuits to built a microwave power source for defense market.
After this last intership, I enter in MC2-Technologies as Study and research engineer. I was in charge of the characterization service. I performed high value added measurements for microwave founders, I wrote quotes, contracts and technical repports and managed the planning of my team.
Since 2014, I manage the sales of the MC2-Technologies services (Characterization, Mecanical, Assembling, Prototyping...). I take part to or I lead several projects, especially in innovative microwave system for security applications. I daily discuss with customers and providers to propose a quality work. I study the feasability of projects, evaluate the price and issue the technical and commercial proposal to customers.
I have a coherent work history in electronic. I always tried to have different experience and to see other engineering fields, as mechanics, metrology, project management to be multi-skills engineer.
Mes compétences :
Pack office
Gestion de projet
Electronique hyperfréquence