Paris2010 - 2011In collaboration with director of non ferrous casting segment,
I articulate my work around these actions:
- Elaboration of suppliers panel
- weekly meetings with each Business Group Segment Leader in order to develop strategies.
- RFQ launch and quotation analysis
- Creation of LPP for Non Ferrous Casting segment
- Establishment of monthly reporting (Purchase performance, index calculation, etc)
- Negotiation with current suppliers
- Optimization of casting process in order to keep high quality properties and obtain cutting price
- Trainee in reverse engineering team
Courbevoie2010 - 2010Study of lubricant baths properties for automotive industry in order to improve their capabilities. These analyses were performed essentially by liquid NMR (500MHz), mass spectrometry, and Polarography.
- formulation of samples for experiences
- Samples analysis using spectrometry tools
- Conception of new formula more efficient in collaboration with formulation team.
- Leader of monthly meetings with all team members.
Collège de France
- Assistant of Ph.D student
2009 - 2009Improved the capabilities of mesoporous organic components elaborated by a self-association process.
- Creation of mesoporous silica (ethylene bridge or benzene bridge)
- Analysis using X ray diffraction, solid NMR, TGA
- Trainee in a R&D team
Paris La Defense2008 - 2008I worked with R&D engineers team who established new packagings for nuclear waste transportation
- Calculate mechanical characteristics (stress strain, elongation, etc)
- Elaboration of database with mechanics properties for each packaging