Prof. Bernard CORNU is the Assistant Director to the General Director at CNED (National Center for Distance Education), France, after being the Director of Innovation at CNED and the Director of CNED-EIFAD, the Open and Distance Learning Institute.
He was previously the Head of the Information and Communication Technologies Department at the National Institute for Pedagogical Research (INRP), France, and was the Director of La Villa Media, the European Residence for Educational Multimedia. He has been for ten years (1990-2000) the Rector of the IUFM (University Institute for Teacher Education) of Grenoble, France. He contributed to the French reform of initial teacher education. Until 1994, Bernard Cornu was the Chairman of the Rectors of the 29 IUFMs in France. He has been (200-2002) an Advisor for Teacher Education at the French Ministry of Education. Prof. Bernard Cornu studied the influence of computers and informatics on mathematics and its teaching, and also worked in didactics of mathematics. He has been the Director of the Institute of Research on Mathematics Teaching (IREM) of Grenoble, and then the Head at the in-service teacher training office for the Academy of Grenoble. His scientific specialty is now the Integration of Information and Communication Technologies into Education, and its influence on the Teaching Profession and on Educational Policies, and particularly distance education. He has been (1998-2002) the President of the French Commission for Mathematics Education. As a member of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), he has been (1995-2000) the chairman of Working Group 3.1 ("Informatics Education at the Secondary Education Level"). He is now the Chairman of the IFIP-TC3 (Technical Committee for Education), and was the coordinator of the “Stellenbosch Declaration”, as the Chairman of the International Programme Committee of the 8th IFIP WCCE (World Conference on Computers in Education), Stellenbosch, South-Africa, July 2005. He also contributed as one of the experts for the European Principles for Teachers Competences and Qualification, at the European Commission.
Prof. Bernard Cornu was the vice-chair of the Education Committee of the French National Commission for UNESCO. He is also the Chairman of the Governing Board of the IITE (Institute for Information Technologies and Education), the UNESCO Institute in Moscow.
Additionally, Bernard Cornu is a Vice-Mayor of the City of Poitiers, France.
Bernard Cornu was awarded Chevalier in the Order of Légion d'Honneur, Officer in the National Order of Merit, and IFIP Silver Core.
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