Chercheur en économie du développement et des migrations
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Citations 844
h-index 13
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Title / Author Cited by Year
A theory of remittances as an implicit family loan arrangement
B Poirine
World Development 25 (4), 589-611 211 1997
Should we hate or love MIRAB?
B Poirine
University of Hawai'i Press 66 1998
Les petites économies insulaires: théories et stratégies de développement
B Poirine
L'Harmattan 32 1995
A Model of Migrants' Remittances with Human Capital Investment and Intrafimilial Transfers1
RPC Brown, B Poirine
International Migration Review 39 (2), 407-438 27 2005
A theory of aid as trade with special reference to small islands
B Poirine
Economic Development and Cultural Change 47 (4), 831-852 26 1999
Rent, emigration and unemployment in small islands: The MIRAB model and the French overseas departments and territories
B Poirine
World development 22 (12), 1997-2009 26 1994
Island political economy
G Bertram, B Poirine
A world of islands: An island studies reader, 323-378 21 2007
Remittances sent by a growing altruistic diaspora: How do they grow over time?
B Poirine
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 47 (1), 93-108 15 2006
Tahiti: stratégie pour l'après-nucléaire: de la rente atomique au développement
B Poirine
Editions L'Harmattan 14 1996
Tahiti, du melting pot à l'explosion?
B Poirine
l'Harmattan 9 1992
Le développement par la rente dans les petites économies insulaires
B Poirine
Revue économique, 1169-1199 9 1993
Socio-economics of pearl culture: Industry changes and comparisons focusing on Australia and French Polynesia
CA Tisdell, B Poirine
World Aquaculture 31 (2), 30-61 7 2011
Socio-economics of pearl culture: industry changes and comparisons focussing on Australia and French Polynesia.
CA Tisdell, B Poirine
Brisbane: Dept. of Economics, University of Queensland, 1998. 6 1998
Eloignement, insularité et compétitivité dans les petites économies d’outre-mer
B Poirine
Conférence Economies d’Outre-Mer, Paris 26 6 2007
Intergenerational Transfers with Impure Altruism: An Analysis of Migrants' Remittances
RPC Brown, B Poirine
Three Essays from French Polynesia
B Poirine
Centre for South Pacific Studies, University of New South Wales 4 1993
Rente géo-stratégique et avantage comparatif des petites économies insulaires
B Poirine
Revue française d'économie 8 (4), 87-87 4 1993
Two essays on aid and remittances
B Poirine, University of New South Wales. Centre for South Pacific Studies
University of New South Wales 4 1995
Managing the commons: an economic approach to pearl industry regulation
B Poirine
Aquaculture Economics & Management 7 (3-4), 179-193 4 2003
Is more always better? The South Pacifc viewpoint on development and cultural change
B Poirine
Pacific Viewpoint 36, 47-72 3 1995
Mes compétences :
Economie du developpement