1. Audit: EDA/ESL projects for Semiconductor Industry from customer requirements to final release into Execution. All aspects of life-cycle are reviewed.
2. Advice: technical expertise in computer science fields, directions and recommendations in life-cycle management provided to the customers and the vendors. Scalability analysis for Production release and deployment.
3. Assistance: duties on the behalf of the customer to manage some parts of the life-cycle in deep details, along with 3rd parties steering.
This expertise can be extended to any business involving software engineering life-cycles with in-depth computer sciences needs.
1. software engineering life-cycle (target: mix of V, XP and incremental life-cycles combining forte of each cycles)
2. software architecture (target: modular inter-communicating architecture easing support, maintenance and expandability)
3. compiler theory, graph theory modern compiler design (target: sharp expertise in a niche, required in almost all modern software projects)
And of course Audit/Advice/Assistance in large scalable software engineering WW projects.
Mes compétences :