Ford Europe
- Responsable stratégie après ventes
Lancer la réflexion stratégique après ventes, notamment sur la distribution en milieu urbain.
Teneo développement
- Gérant
2016 - maintenant
Teneo Développement est une société de conseil en redressement et en développement d'entreprise. Elle intervient aussi bien au sein de PME ou d'ETI que pour des filiales de grands groupes français ou internationaux.
Rossignol Technology Mexico
- Chef d'entreprise
2014 - 2015
Rossignol Technology s'est lancé ex-nihilo au Mexique pour répondre à une demande forte de ses clients pour servir le marché NAFTA..
Rossignol Technology Mexico
- CEO & founder
2014 - 2015
A new venture, based in Queretaro, Mexico, to answer Tiers1 demand.
Best achievement: the factory is operational; it is certified by TRW and currently being certified by Bosch and Continental.
Based in Mexico, work in Spanish.
Rossignol Technology
- CEO & owner
2011 - 2016
EUR 14 million, the world leader for automotive brake input rods, a safety component. 3 production sites (France, Czech Republic and a newly founded Mexico).
Best achievement: a strategy has been developed, based on the customers' own strategy. The value proposition resulting from this strategy led to significant sales increase (from EUR 8 million in 2010). Rossignol Technology is now a strategic supplier for its main three customers - 95% of sales.
Based in France, work in French/English
Rossignol Technology
2011 - 2016
Rossignol Technology est le leader mondial des tiges de freinage pour l'automobile, avec près de 40% de part de marché. L''entreprise exporte 98% de sa production.
Milton Roy Europe
2009 - 2011
EUR 70 million, industrial dosing pumps, 2 production sites.
Mission: develop the company and reach corporate objectives in terms of sales, quality and profit.
Milton Roy Europe - Groupe UTC
- Directeur Général
2009 - 2011
Développer et diriger le retournement de ce fabricant, leader mondial des pompes doseuses
Sullair Europe
2003 - 2009
Sullair Europe (EMEA - United Technologies Corporation - UTC)
EUR 57 million, air compressors and demolition tools.
Mission: turn the company around.
Best achievement: EBIT went from 0 to 10% and sales increased from EUR 30 million in 2003 .A new, breakthrough low pressure demolition tool and compressor range was successfully launched. A new, best in class industrial compressor and a new portable compressor range were also launched.
Based in France, work in French/English.
Sullair Europe - Groupe UTC
- Directeur Général
2003 - 2009
Développer l'entreprise dans le cadre d'un groupe global. Redressement de ce fabricant de compresseurs et d'outils pneumatiques, passant de 30m€ à 50 m€, et du point mort à un EBIT à deux chiffres.
Pipelife Pologne - Groupe Solvay
- Directeur Général
2001 - 2003
Concevoir et diriger le redressement de cette entreprise qui est aujourd'hui une des entreprises les plus rentables de son groupe.
Pipelife Poland
2001 - 2003
EUR 30 million, piping systems, 2 production sites in Poland.
Mission: develop and implement a turnaround plan (2000 losses amounted to 20% of sales).
Inergy Automotive Systems
- CEO & founder
1998 - 2001
EUR 10 million, automotive plastic fuel tanks.
Mission: launch this greenfield investment to be certified by and serve Renault in Slovenia and Daewoo in Poland: identify and acquire a production site, recruit and train the team, establish strong processes and rigorous reporting.
Best achievement: the whole project, from the first meeting to certification by Renault was conducted on time (11 months) and within budget. After Daewoo bankruptcy, the company was successfully turned around and reached a profitable position again.
Based in Poland, work in Polish.
INERGY Automotive Pologne - Groupe Solvay
- Directeur Général
1998 - 2001
Créer et développer cette entreprise fabricant des réservoirs automobiles. Redresser après la disparition de Daewoo, un des clients principaux
- Directeur marketing de gamme
1998 - 1998
Proposer er implémenter une stratégie marketing pour la gamme moyenne, entre les filiales de ventes, le produit et le production.
Renault group
- Marketing manager
1998 - 1998
600 000 vehicles, 56% of Renault Automobile profits.
Mission: develop and implement a marketing strategy to achieve the group's world objectives in terms of market share and profit.
Best achievement: reengineer the Megane family, allowing for a clearer offer and a reduced production complexity, gaining broad acceptance from the national sales companies.
Based in France, work in French/English.
Renault Poland
1995 - 1997
EUR 300 million, vehicles and spare parts.
Mission: develop the newly founded company. Increase sales and profit through marketing positioning, network reinforcement, logistics strengthening and employee development.
Best achievement: perception went from `'unknown'' to `'medium to upper class'', turnover increased from 5,500 vehicles in 1994 to 22,000 in 1998, a spare parts distribution center, a Renault Institute, and a new headquarter were built and put in operation. Latest two were developed at zero investment.
Based in Poland, work in French/Polish.
Renault Pologne
- Directeur général
1995 - 1997
Consolider et développer la filiale créée en 1992. Les ventes sont passées de 5.500 véhicules en 1994 à 22.000 en 1997.
Les Boiseries de Champagne
- CEO, founder & owner
1992 - 1994
EUR 1.3 million, wood panels for house decoration.
Best achievement: launch a new venture based on a disruptive value offer.
Based in France, work in French.
Les Boiseries de Champagne
- Directeur Général
1992 - 1995
Créer ex nihilo et diriger'une entreprise très innovante d'agencement haut de gamme.
Ford of Europe, After Sales division
- Business planning manager
1990 - 1992
Strategy and business planning manager - Ford of Europe after sales division ($ 3 billion)
Mission: suggest Ford of Europe after sales strategy, write the business and the strategic plan.
Best achievement: initiate Ford end-of-life recycling strategy.
Based in Germany, work in English.
Ford of Europe
- Commercial vehicles marketing coordinator
1989 - 1990
120,000 vehicles.
Mission: develop and implement a marketing strategy to reach Ford objectives in terms of positioning, market share and profits in Europe.
Best achievement: successful European launch of the Courier van.
Based in Great Britain, work in English.
Ford Europe
- Coordinateur petits véhicules commerciaux
1989 - 1990
Concevoir la stratégie de la gamme, coordonner le lancement européen des nouveaux modèles
Ford Switzerland
- Sales & manager
1988 - 1989
Mission: support the dealers network and develop vehicle sales.
Achievement: twice awarded the `'Zone Manager of the month'' title.
Based in Switzerland, work in German.
Ford Suisse
- Zone manager
1988 - 1989
Développer les ventes grâce à la formation et la motivation des distributeurs et la mise en place de plans marketing régionaux
Raychem France
- Sales engineer & area sales manager
1982 - 1986
Electric cable accessories made of shape memory polymers.
Mission: develop sales of technical products.
Best achievement: launch of the South East distribution network; launch of numerous O&M applications that resulted in a new, specialized department.
Based in France, work in French
Raychem France
- Ingénieur des ventes
1982 - 1986
Développer les ventes à travers la gestion efficace du portefeuille clients, le lancement de nouvelles applications et une présence intensive sur le terrain