


En résumé

Hello :)

I am an Industrial Designer passionated by Human centric experience project and the “little detail”.
I started as a Freelance Designer on several markets such as Yacht, Consumer Goods, Watch, Packaging…
Then I decided to give another dimension to my projects by studying marketing in Audencia Business School linked to design and creation.
I was hired by a start up to develop the creative approach of raw materials such as concrete. I was able to promote them under all their creative aspect for all markets: colors, shapes, finishes, performances...

Since 2012, I am actually supporting, as European Designer, the worldwide development of the InVisiO℠ Design Cell of PolyOne, the leading company in plastic coloration.
The InVisiO℠ Design cell supports our customers through the creative and design approach with colors and plastics in all markets such as packaging, automotive or consumer goods...

I am always looking for new opportunities in Design, innovation or branding.
Feel free to discover my work and contact me!

Portfolio :
CV :
Behance :


Bienvenue :) !
Je suis un Designer Industriel qui s’attache à développer des projets centrés sur l’utilisateur, l’expérience de marque et le détail différenciant.
J’ai débuté ma carrière en tant que Freelance sur divers projets que ce soit en nautisme, produits de grande consommation, montres, chaussures, packagings.

Voulant offrir une approche plus globale, j’ai par la suite effectué une spécialisation marketing du Mastère spécialisé Marketing Design et Création de l'école Audencia Business School.

J’ai alors été embauché dans une start-up pour travailler sur la réflexion et le développement créatif de matières premières, tel que le béton et ses capacités de mise en forme, de couleurs et de finitions qui permet de le valoriser sur tous les marchés.
Depuis trois ans, je soutiens la mise en place en Europe et le développement global, de la cellule Design InVisiO℠ de l’entreprise PolyOne, leader en couleur et plastique, centré sur l’innovation et l’expérience de la couleur et des matières plastiques.

J’ai ainsi développé mes capacités d’expériences couleurs, mes connaissances en plastique et transformation plastique.

J’ai eu l’opportunité de soutenir le développement d’identité de produits pour des grands groupes de packaging, automobile et de produits de grande consommation.

Je suis toujours à la recherche de nouveaux défis à relever tant en Design, qu'en innovation et expérience de marque.

Découvrez mon Univers et n'hésitez pas à me contacter!

Portfolio :
CV :
Behance :


Mes compétences :
design management
Design thinking
Industrial Design
New technology


  • PolyOne - Senior Designer

    2013 - maintenant Senior Designer Europe InVisiOSM by PolyOne
    PolyOne Europe Color & Additives

    - Develop the European Design Cell, Design, Color & Trim in plastics, support expansion in US, China & India.
    - Inspire & support creative and marketing customers to develop special effects in plastic colors.(Renault, L’Oréal, Samsonite...)
    - Develop taylor made CMF Design project for these brands
    CX & UX Design approach : users persona, journey, brand key contacts...
    - Each year, Develop and Present Global Color & Plastic Trends
    (Europe – US – LATAM – China)

    Portfolio :
    CV :
    Behance :
  • Designer - Freelance

    2012 - 2013 Developed Designs that deliver a strong brand experience
    based on consumer centric analyses.
    - Consumers goods - Watches – EyeWears - Graphics
  • ILIUM - Consultant Indutrie & Innovation

    2011 - 2012 ILIUM (now Bloomoon), Paris, 10 months
    Developed new business opportunities regarding raw materials
    through a Design & Creative approach
    Creation of industrial trends:
    - Identification of new global trends with sociologist,
    trendspeople and business leaders.
    - Adaptation to the industrial world
    Identification and engagement of industry leaders on this project
  • Freelance Design - Freelance Designer

    2010 - 2011 Freelance Designer
    - Perfume – Shoes - Yacht - Electronics – Graphics –
  • Couach Yacht - Designer

    2009 - 2010 Junior Industrial Yacht Designer
    Couach, Gujan Mestras (33), 6 months
    Designed a new 37m Open range Yacht motorboat
    Exterior / Interior:
    - Concepts / Creativity
    - Finalisation / Technical drawing
    Update of the professional patrol boat design, Furniture creation
  • Zodiac marine - Junior Designer

    2008 - 2009 Junior Industrial Designer
    Zodiac, Rochefort en mer(33), 6 months
    Innovation in inflatable boats:
    - Increase the seasonal usability by a new design approach
    - New creative concepts & brainstorming.
  • Air Total - Business engineer junior

    2006 - 2006 3 month internship

    Create a technical database,
    Material specifications for plane deposits with providers.


  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce Audencia

    Nantes 2010 - 2011 Marketing et Design

    Postgraduate Marketing, Design and Creation
    Audencia Business School of Management
    "Mastère spécialisé" in Nantes
    Brand, Consumer Experience, Marketing & Design.
    Professional thesis: Luxury brand, Social link & Technology.
    How could new technologies create a new brand user experience?
  • Institut Supérieur De Design

    Valenciennes 2006 - 2009 Design and Management

    Master's Degree, "Transportation Design Management". International School of Design, Valenciennes ("Institut Supérieur du Design de Valenciennes") "Industrial Mobility Designer", Team Design Manager:
    - Industrial Projects - Concept / Creativity
    - Concept Management - Industrial product concept
  • Université Paris 10 Nanterre

    Ville D'Avray 2004 - 2006 Engineering and design department ,Design of a three wheels vehicle ,Computer-aided manufacturing

    Master's Degree, "Transportation Design Management". International School of Design, Valenciennes ("Institut Supérieur du Design de Valenciennes") "Industrial Mobility Designer", Team Design Manager:
    - Industrial Projects - Concept / Creativity
    - Concept Management - Industrial product concept


Annuaire des membres :