


En résumé

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  • Labinal - Deputy Section 13/14 Manager Program A350

    2012 - maintenant - Coordinate/trade-off all Section activities E2E scope to ensure Program objectives are achieved
    - Secure OT/OQ/OC of deliverables at milestones
    - Ensure execution of the contract within the contractual scope
  • Labinal - Section PPM Program A380

    2009 - 2011 - Coordinate global planning across Labinal functions (Engineering, Manufacturing France and Mexico & Services) in relationship with Airbus.
    - Ensure achievement of Program milestones for all Labinal functions.
    - Support inflow forecasts for functions.
    - Follow-up of Section metrics (Engineering deliverables, definition maturity, harness delivery, Delta 2 & Delta 3).
    - Forecast inflow assumptions to Labinal activities at functions level.
  • Airbus Central Entity - Internship period as a junior engineer

    2009 - 2009 - Ergonomical study concerning the substitution of two pieces of software on SAP
    - Study of software with ergonomical criteria method (Bastien and Scapin) and writing of users’ questionnaires to transmit the requirements in term of ergonomics to IT
  • PSA Peugeot Citroen - Internship period as an assistant engineer

    Rueil Malmaison 2007 - 2008 - Study of the lateral buckling of the disk brake concerning Peugeot 308 and new prototypes, in the suspension system service
    - Modelling of the behaviour of the disk brake by finite element method (Abaqus, Ideas Master Series)
  • Diffusion Technique Française - Summer job

    2007 - 2007 - Study and Modelling in CAD (SolidWorks) of components of the whole range of DTF products
  • Diffusion Technique Française - Technician internship period

    2006 - 2006 - Automation study of a production stage concerning pumps intended for the whole range of DTF products (aerosols, anti-bedsore mattress)
    - Study and Modelling in CAD (SolidWorks)


  • UTBM

    Belfort/Montbeliard 2006 - 2009 Education in Mechanical Design Engineering School

    Project Manager for two periods of six months concerning Laser Technologies and PEEK materials.

    Villeurbanne 2004 - 2006 2-year technical degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering

    Participation in Shell Eco Marathon as a team manager
  • ECAM Lyon (Lyon)

    Lyon 2003 - 2004 Preparatory classes in ECAM (Ecole Catholique des Arts et Métiers)
  • Lycée Externat Saint Michel

    St Etienne 2003 - 2003 A levels in Science


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