


En résumé

Hi everybody,
I'm very happy to introduce you to my new fashion brand By Capucine Ackermann ! By Capucine Ackermann is more than a simple ready-to-wear women brand, it's my personal way of life style and my personal style !
The concept is very simple :
Each Sunday on my youtube channel i show you the new weekly outfit of my fashion brand By Capucine Ackermann and you can order it on my E-market place : bycapucineackermann.com
Two years ago, my family and i bought with our holding Ackermann family group based in Virgin British Island a sewing workshop in Paris France. One year ago i decided to creat my brand By Capucine Ackermann.
We are creator, supplier and vendor of the fashion brand By Capucine Ackermann, so, we can work in many different way.
We putted online the first outfit on September 11th 2016 and we will put a new one each week on Sunday. Each outfit included 2-3 items and one accessory. So after 6 months our young brand will have already, around 72 different bases !
Actually we are searching for online distributor or shop distributor in US, CHINA, AUSTRALIA,JAPAN and INDIA.
By Capucine Ackermann is a french women fashion brand which represent the french traditional "chic parisien" and wants to work with the international fashion distributors.
If you want to work with us, thanks to contact us, we are very reactive !
By Capucine Ackermann

Mes compétences :
Organisation du travail
Direction générale
Community management
Direction artistique


  • By Capucine Ackermann - CEO

    2016 - maintenant


  • Parsons (New York)

    New York 2013 - 2016


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :