
Catalina DOBRE


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Recruitment & Selection
Team work
Team Management
Client Relations Management
Technical Recruiting


  • OC PROD - Chef d'equipe Ressources Humaine

    2016 - maintenant
  • OC PROD - HR Consultant

    2015 - maintenant ▪ Participating at networking events for the company (CCIFER meetings, job fairs and career seminars for university students) and having face- to- face interviews during business trips;
    ▪ Maintaining a permanent communication channel with the HR departments of the client companies in order to update their requirements for possible candidates;
    •Interviewing candidates (face-to-face, on phone or via Skype interviews) in order to obtain information on work history, education, training, job skills, motivation and personality (profiles: engineering, sales, project-management, etc.);
    ▪ Counselling and offering feedback to the candidates;
    ▪ Keeping a strong contact with the clients and the candidates during the entire recruitment process;
    ▪ Checking the references and experience background for some applicants, by contacting previous employers;
    ▪ Mentoring some interns for the company.
  • OC PROD - Junior HR Consultant

    2014 - 2015 • Attending client meetings in order to understand and meet their needs;
    • Define Job Descriptions for different profiles;
    • Conducting interviews (face to face or skype interviews);
    • Keep in touch with the candidates during the entire recruitment and selection process;
    • Preparing the candidacy and conclusions for each candidate;
    • Sending short list to our clients for each project;
    • Transmitting positive or negative feedback to candidates according with the clients decision;
    • Recruiting for the opened positions in the engineering field such as: Matlab/ Simulink engineers, Software engineers (C code), Autosar Embedded developers, Software test engineers, Autosar Tool Developers (JAVA);
    • Recruiting the most suitable candidates for positions such as technical leader and technical manager;
    • Recruiting for other projects such as: Commercial business developer in road transport and Chef de projet- BPO.
  • OC PROD - HR Intern

    2014 - 2014 • Active search on the recruitment websites, social media and Linkedin;
    • CV screening and selection;
    • Post employment ads on different sources and active search;
    • Contacting the candidates in order to present the company and job details;
    • Establishing interviews with the candidates;
    • Participation on interviews.


  • Faculte De Lettres, Universite De Bucarest (Bucarest)

    Bucarest 2011 - 2013 Master
  • Faculte De Letres, Univeriste De Bucarest (Bucarest)

    Bucarest 2008 - 2011 Philologie


Annuaire des membres :