
Catherine VIGNON


En résumé

Bilingue anglais/français. 10 ans d’expérience professionnelle en cabinet d’études conseil en France et Royaume-Uni. Spécialisée dans la conduite de projets d'aide au développement et a la coopération internationale. Domaines d'expertise: développement rural, environnement, adaptation changement climatique et services écosystémiques. Compétences: montage et conduite de projets, évaluations de projets et études de faisabilité. Connaissance des procédures des bailleurs Banque Mondiale, Commission Européenne, Banque Asiatique du Développement, AFD et FFEM.

Mes compétences :
Appel d'offres
Développement rural
Gestion de projets
International Development
Montage et gestion de projets
Resources Management
Rural Development


  • Asconit Consultants - Chargé de Projets

    2010 - maintenant
  • Maxwell Stamp PLC - Senior Consultant, Acting Head of Practice

    2006 - maintenant Senior Consultant and Acting Head of Livelihoods and Rural Development Practice Area (promoted June 2008)

    As Senior Consultant and Acting Head of the Livelihoods and Rural Development Practice Area, main responsibilities involve:
    • Overseeing a team of 3 staff;
    • Oversight of business development activities, marketing missions, tender preparation;
    • Developing and implementing Practice Area strategy and business plans;
    • Member of the Company Management Group;
    • Project Director and technical oversight of 4 DFID and WB funded projects and framework contracts:
    Afghanistan, Emergency Solidarity Programme 2 (WB)
    Bangladesh, Chars Livelihoods Programme 1 (DFID);
    Yemen, Impact Evaluation of the Social Development Fund (DFID);
    DFID Framework Contract for Social Development in Conflict Affected Environments

    As an economist at consultant level within the Livelihoods and Rural Development Practice Area, contributed to all aspects of a technical practice areas’ work including:
    • Leading the preparation of expression of interests (70%+ conversion rate) and technical tenders for EC, AsDB, DFID and WB;
    • Fact finding missions (Kenya, Sudan);
    • Project work includes technical reviews on social protection and livelihoods, concept note on cotton development, quality assurance of inception reports;
    • Business Development Portfolio includes Eastern and Southern Africa, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe;
    • Contribute technically to the development of new sector focus (Social Protection, SSR), techniques and approaches.
  • Cardno Agrisystems Ltd - Operations Coordinateur

    2006 - 2006 • Responsible for managing 7 large rural development projects in Africa and Asia, totalling 5.8 million Euros:
    Liberia Community Rehabilitation Component of Post Conflict Rehabilitation and Capacity Building Programme (EC);
    Malawi Income Generating Public Works Programme (EC);
    Malawi Improved Forest Management for Sustainable Livelihoods Programme (EC);
    Malawi Institutional Development of the Agri-Food Sector (EC);
    Vietnam SME Development Fund– Institutional Support to Lending Institutions (EC);
    Afghanistan Balkh River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management (AsDB);
    Uganda Forest Resources Management and Conservation Programme (EC).
    • Setting up Bank Guarantee facilities with major banks;
    • Day to day liaison with project teams and clients;
    • Responsible for monitoring project deliverables and achievement of service contract requirements
  • HTSPE Ltd - Consultant

    2003 - 2006 Consultant (promotion in April 2004)
    In close collaboration with Regional Director and Project Directors responsible for:
    • Process management of two large donor-funded projects (with regular overseas visits to Uganda and Nigeria);
    • Coordination and/or assistance with preparation of Expressions of Interest and Tenders;
    • Preparation of technical discussion papers and company manual on HIV/AIDS;
    • Prospecting for potential project leads and local partnerships in African markets;
    • Consultancy missions on natural resource management, evaluation, legislation review and strategic planning.

    Consultancy work
    2004: Worked as Field Researcher/ Economist for the Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. During this tenure:
    • Reviewed the new Forest Act and community forest management practices.
    • Development of supplementary rules and regulations to promote Participatory Forest Management (PFM) including policies for establishing Joint Management Agreements and the sharing costs and benefits/forest revenues.
    • Responsible for collection and compilation of field data in Morogoro, Iringa and Rufiji regions. Coordination of research team of 5 local and international staff.

    2004/2006: Worked as Process Manager on the Support to the Development of Uganda Bureau of Statistics. This DFID £560,000 worth project aims to support UBOS by improving its internal organisational procedures; improving the quality of the statistics produced and enhancing the dissemination of its core products in order to enhance the Bureau's profile and negotiating skills with Donors and Government.
    Responsible for the careful and regular analysis of the progress made and adherence to the work plans. Duties include the mobilisation of consultants, review of consultant reports and the development of 4-month work plans with the Client and regular liaison with the core team of consultants. First port of call for the DFID Uganda Statistics Adviser and DFID-UK. In-country visits every four months.

    2003/2006: Worked as Support Manager on the State and Local Government Programme (SLGP) in Nigeria. This was a £20m programme working at federal and state level to support Nigeria's National and State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS/SEEDS). Main accountabilities included:
    • Technical, financial and administrative support to the programme;
    • Technical Editor of the SEEDS Manual;
    • Identification of and coordination of international consultancies in Nigeria;
    • Responsible for organisation of training and procurement of equipment;
    • SLGP Website contents manager.

    Project Administrator, Africa Unit (Feb 2003 - March 2004)
    • Initially working with Latin America and Asia units and subsequently with Africa Unit. Responsible to and working closely with the Regional and Project Directors.
    • Coordination and Quality assurance of Expressions of Interest and Tender Dossiers for donors and clients (DFID, EU, World Bank, African Governments)
    • Administrative support to overseas projects, including sourcing, contract preparation and mobilisation of consultants, support to study tours etc


  • University Of Bath (Bath)

    Bath 2002 - 2003 MSc Environmental Science, Policy and Planning
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure D'Agronomie Et Des Industries Alimentaires (Vandoeuvre Les Nancy)

    Vandoeuvre Les Nancy 1998 - 2001 Diplome d'Ingenieur Agronome


Annuaire des membres :