

Boulogne Billancourt

En résumé

Having recently completed my Master's Degree in Applied Geosciences for Development Engineering (Géosciences appliquées à l’ingénierie de l’aménagement) at the University of Savoy Mont-Blanc in Chambery (France), I was employed last year in an environmental engineering company, ERG Environnement (ABO group), in Marseille (France). Over the past year, I have developed and put into practice my skills as a field geologist on contaminated sites and soils all over France. My work involved pollution valuation, and environmental and hydrological engineering consultancy with a geological value added to the investigations and environmental impact assessment. I also took water, air and soil samples following environmental and scientific standards and expertise. This multidisciplinary approach allowed me to develop mobility, flexibility and adaptability.

My previous academic experience has been strengthened by a naturalistic approach acquired during many weeks of field training in several regions of France. These included geological mapping and the study of natural hazards. Since completing my Bachelors degree in Applied Geology in Nancy (France), I have developed a good understanding of a diverse range of topics including geotechnical land, hydrogeology and environment, natural resources, mineral and energy raw materials, geophysics techniques, natural hazards and geomorphology applied to mountain environments. I would like to specialise in the study and prevention of natural hazards, especially those related to geological and environmental issues closely linked to global climate change.

During the summer of 2011, I completed a two months’ internship in the French company BRGM (Bureau of Geological and Mining Research) in the Department of Safety and Mining Security (UTAM Central West) in Orléans where I analysed and interpreted geotechnical hazards and risk areas applied to on old iron mine in Calvados, France. I also recently completed a six months’ internship in Canada, at the Research Institute of Mining and Environment, with a project aimed at environmental restoring methods of a goldmine site in northern Canada (Agnico Eagle Meadowbank mine, Nunavut). From this, I gained a very unique and rewarding insight which then supported my further studies. Being involved in a famous mining company on an isolated site near the Arctic galvanized and fascinated me. The responsibilities entrusted upon me during these placements have confirmed my aspiration to pursue a career in geosciences applied to the environment, along with deepening my understanding through providing basic knowledge in a specific, extreme and natural context.

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Excel


  • Burgeap - Ingenieur d'études

    Boulogne Billancourt 2016 - maintenant - Suivi de forages, terrassements, pompages
    - Investigations de terrain, diagnostics de la qualité des sols, nappes, rivières, suivi des rejets industriels
    - Prélèvements de sols, eau souterraine et superficielle, gaz du sol et air ambiant
    - Intervention sur grands sites industriels, bases militaires et grande diversité de chantiers
    - Rédaction de rapports et notes de synthèse
    - Diagnostics zones humides, bilan 24h, participation aux Dossiers Loi sur l'Eau, jaugeages en rivière (micromoulinet, sel)
  • ERG Environnement - Géologue, chargé de diagnostics environnementaux

    2015 - 2015
    - Réalisation de reconnaissances géologiques et diagnostics de pollution (échantillonnage d'Eau, Air, Sol, Sédiments de fonds marins), sur sites et sols pollués, zones à risques, établissements sensibles...
    - Gestion de déblais sur voies ferroviaires, renouvellement de voies.
    - Essais hydrogéologiques in situ (type Porchet, mesurant l'aptitude d'un sol à accueillir un assainissement autonome)
    - Assistance à maitrise d'ouvrage
    - Autonomie et déplacements nationaux, collaboration régulière avec partenaires et sous-traitants

    Environnement, dépollution, hydrogéologie, investigations de terrain
  • URSTM-IRME - Stage de recherche en Environnement

    2014 - 2014 Institut de Recherche en Mine et en Environnement, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, Canada

    Projet d'étude basé sur la restauration d'un parc à résidus - Meadowbank Gold Mine

    - Valorisation de matériaux in situ dans la mise en place d’un recouvrement avec effets de barrière capillaire, en climat nordique (mine AgnicoEagle-Meadowbank, Nunavut, Canada) dans la prévention de Drainage Minier Acide (DMA).
    - Construction de cellules expérimentale à la Mine AgnicoEagle-Meadowbank, Nunavut, Canada, durant 2 semaines (04/06/2014 - 16/06/2014)
    - Etude laboratoire sur la caractérisation de matériaux pour un recouvrement alternatif pour la restauration du site minier, considérant plusieurs problématiques.
    - Modélisation numériques (MEF) de différents scénarios de recouvrement à considérer pour la mine.

  • BRGM - Stage

    Orléans 2011 - 2011 Département de Prévention et Sécurité Minière, à Orléans (45)

    Sujet basé sur les méthodes de surveillances appliquées à une ancienne mine de fer du Calvados en France (May-sur-Orne). Ma mission de stage principale a été la réalisation de travaux sur support informatique (SIG) et un sujet de synthèse bibliographique.



Annuaire des membres :