T3 Architecture Asia
- DIRECTOR - Architect Interior Designer VIETNAM & MYANMAR
2011 - maintenant
Co-Director of Asia-T3 Architecture - www.t3architecture-asia.vn
Asian branch of the agency T3 Architecture based in Marseille - www.t3architecture.fr
Agency of Architecture, Planning and Interior Design specializes in successful projects in terms of energy (systematic collaboration with thermal engineers to optimize comfort and energy savings).
Contemporary architecture, contextual, designed according to bioclimatic principles (green building).
TEAM: Charles Gallavardin (Co-Director, architect urbanist), Tereza Gallavardin (Co-Director, architect & interior designer), Le Hoang Thang (associate, architect), Katia Bonanno (associate, architect & interior designer)
Projects in progress or completed:
- EMM Hôtel Saigon (Vietnam), 55 Keys, Tien Minh Group
- Victoria Nui Sam Hotel Lodge (Vietnam), 40 Keys, Tien Minh Group
- Office building renovation (Vietnam), 1500m², french investor
- Coffee Shop Concept (Vietnam), international investors
- 3* Hotel in Bagan (Myanmar-Burma), 100 rooms, Burmese investor
- Service apartments project (100 units) in Yangon (Burma), Burmese investor
- Eco Resort 5 * in Cam Ranh (Vietnam), Detail Design, green architecture
- Contemporary Lounge bar in Saigon (Vietnam) - SIN lounge
- Sustainable Urban Development Project in Hoi An (Central Vietnam) together with Urban Rural Solution
T3 architecture
- Co-DIRECTOR architect socio urbanist
2006 - 2010
Architect socio urbanist
T3 architecture (Green building, eco architecture)
Architectural Design and urban Design (www.t3architecture.fr)
- Architects who accompany their clients in the building process from first sketch to the receipt of their building; help them make good choices (best compromise architectural quality - energy efficiency - building costs).
- An architecture that respects its people (fun, healthy, functional) and environment (development of local materials, low carbon consumption).
- Architects who, for the same budget, to encourage the choice of quality and sustainability.
- Architects who promote social mix, the mix of city functions, the fight against urban sprawl, contemporary architecture that integrates into the landscape and takes into account the environment (climate, urban context, view) .
- Implementation of several contemporary buildings BBC (Low Energy, green architecture) in collaboration with energy efficiency engineers (southern France).
- Projects of bioclimatic low cost housing in Marseille,
- Strategic study for the creation of a hotel (50 rooms) for an eco-sensitive public on the Archipelago of Frioul in Marseille (5M euros)
- Realization of the head office of a Company in Normandy, low energy building and green building (200,000 euros),
- Creation of cottages in the Drome (400,000 euros),
- Rehabilitation of a main farm house in the Vosges,
- Ecological Renovation of several apartments in Marseille
Activities: architectural design, urban design, interior design, Public / institutional / client relations, working within multidisciplinary teams, strategic studies (urban and social), site supervision, project management and construction management.
- Educational project with students from the School of the 2nd Chance - Marseille
Activities: Education, public and institutional relationship.
- Diagnosis and Preliminary study OPAH - Ajaccio
Diagnosis and study pre-operational Programmed Operation of Housing Improvement to identify needs in terms of improvement of old buildings (adaptation, rental offer to rent control, improving energy efficiency), calibration of the amount of grants to be provided for financial partners.
- Consultancy in Urban Sociology (BE Colline company) - Marseille
Mission Control in Urban and Social Work (MOUS) on a rehabilitation project of a fleet of 340 social housing in Vallauris
Activities: Mediation Project management (social landlord and architect) and residents, public / institutional relations (state, municipality, associations), identifying the expectations of residents, creation of an information site, proposed Planning in consultation with residents.
- Consultancy (Habitat et Developpement)- Marseille
Activities: Realization of technical Diagnostics related to low cost housing as part of the "SOS Slums" Foundation Abée Peter Urban Studies in response to tenders.
- Creation of CompleX in collaboration with four partners - Marseille
Meeting in one place an architecture agency specializing in sustainable and green architecture (www.t3architecture.fr), an Art Gallery (www.complexmarseille.fr) and a Fashion Design Boutique (www. guediawaye.com).
- LORD CULTURE (Canadian company) - French branch (Paris)
Study visits program for the creation of cultural projects on French territory (Hébert Museum in Paris , Museum of the maritime history of Saint Malo, etc..).
- SNEF Group - headquartered in Marseille
Development of bank branches in the PACA region
Villes en Transition
- Chef de missions
2003 - 2005
ONG VeT- Villes en Transition (www.villesentransition.org)
Partenariat pour le développement urbain et l’intégration sociale
Chef de missions Vietnam
De 5 à 10 employés – de 4 à 8 projets de front - 1,500 bénéficiaires.
- Assistance technique/coordination d’activités pluridisciplinaires concernant 4 projets de coopération de renouvellement urbain/préparation au relogement selon les principes du développement communautaire et la méthode participative, 1200 foyers bénéficiaires à HCMV (district 2, 7, 8) et Nha Trang.
Activités : organisation de formations à destination de foyers pauvres et des autorités locales (capacity building), amélioration d’infrastructures tertiaires, micro-finance (épargne et crédit pour le développement d’activités économiques), évaluations.
Partenaires institutionnels et opérationnels : collectivités territoriales, associations, banques.
Bailleurs de fonds: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes, Fondation Abbé Pierre, Ambassade de France au Vietnam, Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie.
- Suivi de chantier/conception dans le cadre d‘un Projet pilote de relogement de 250 foyers pauvres – HCM Ville (projet de référence en Asie du Sud-Est)
Activités: suivi de la construction de 3 immeubles de logements sociaux (72 appartements), d‘un marché couvert et d‘une maison de quartier.
Bailleurs de fonds: Coopération Technique Belge (BTC)
- Etude/outil d’aide à la décision sur les statuts résidentiels.
Bailleurs de fonds: Fondation Ford, Banque Mondiale, Agence de Développement Suisse (SDC).
Activités: initiateur de cette étude, recherche de financements et de partenaires, réalisation de l’étude, présentation du rapport final à des membres de l’Assemblée Nationale.
- Présentations orales dans le cadre d’ateliers/séminaires internationaux