
Christian GAYTON


En résumé

Passionné par l'apport des TIC au service de l'évolution individuelle et de la performance de l'entreprise, je me suis investi tout au long de ma vie professionnelle dans des projets innovants.
Mes ambitions de participer activement aux changements profonds que connaît la société, à travers l'amélioration continue de chacun, m'ont amené à la création de Qoveo, qui depuis 2007, a su devenir un acteur important dans les solutions de gestion et de valorisation du capital humain.
Peut-être parce que j'ai commencé dans une société où la baseline n'était autre que "Il n'est de richesses que d'hommes".

Mes compétences :
E Learning
Gestion des compétences
ActionScript 2


  • Serious Factory - Directeur du Pôle Digital Learning

    Suresnes 2014 - maintenant En charge du développement de l'activité Digital Learning (e-Learning, Serious-Game, innovation pédagogique) pour la France et l'International :
    - stratégie marketing et communication
    - développement commercial
    - suivi de production
    Participation au comité de direction.

  • QOVEO - President

    2007 - 2014 Following a first experience in innovative training engineering in the 90s, i created my first multimedia company (Internet CDroms).
    In 2007, after several years of collaboration with Denis Le Chevalier, we decided to found Qoveo (www.qoveo.com).
    Qoveo provides HR software solutions, based on human capital management.
    Qoveo offers a global skills management platform, and is an e-Learning producer.
  • Net-Lines - CEO

    2001 - 2007 Net-Lines specialized in the design and development of multimedia applications for the web and on CDroms.
    As a specialist of Macromedia tools, our team was regularly active in certified learning centers. I was also a member of Macromedia Team volunteers, and was recognized internationaly for my expertise in Flash and Generator.
    Among our clients, we had TF1 multimedia, M6 web, Sony Music Video France, Grrrey, LSP Game, Skyrock, ...
    We produced CDRoms such as "The New Addams Family", "Ghosbusters", "Baby Felix", "Digimon", ...
    The arrival of DVD enabled us to create some box sets like "Commandant Cousteau", "Les Trésors de Saqqara", ...
    At the same time, we continued to maintain our e-Learning know-how by creating modules like Federal Mogul, UITSEM/SMERRA, LMC Consulting, ...
  • CGConseil - Freelance Consultant (ICT)

    1998 - 2001 As a freelancer, i worked with my customers on their ICT projects.
    Notably, i was in charge of the Infogrames Extranet development and deployment. I built websites for customers such as the town of Pézenas, Techniland (now Exclusive Networks), etc.
  • Institut pour le Développement des Compétences Commerciales - Innnovative Training Conception Project Manager

    1993 - 1997 IDCC was a subsidiary of Intermarché Group.
    I was the leader of the computing team in charge of training innovation. We created one of the first serious-games (the word did not exist at the time) which simulates the management of fruits and vegetables section in a play environment. Moreover this game won a major price at the Festival Multimedia d'Entreprise in Biarritz. We also developed interactive CDroms to learn accounting, an interactive sea food encyclopedia, etc.
  • Centre de Formation Interentreprise aux métiers de la Distribution - Manager

    1991 - 1993 I was the manager at CEFIDIS, of a team of 6 trainers. The training centre received 450 trainees a year. As well as the continuous professional development, CEDIFIS provided long term training dedicated to young people employement. This resulted in a placement of more than 75% of the trainees after 6 months training.
  • CEFIDIS - Trainer

    MEYREUIL 1990 - 1991 I gave extended training courses in Accounting for Point of Sales, and short training courses for employees.
  • INTERMARCHE - Accountant

    Vert-le-Grand 1988 - 1990 With the accounts every 4 months, monthly account management for the fresh food area, plus weekly acoount management for sensitive sections (eg: Fruit and Vegetables, Meat, Sea Food), i quickly gained an overall knowledge of the accountant's job.


  • Lycée Sidoine Apollinaire (Clermont Ferrand)

    Clermont Ferrand 1980 - 1983 Gestion & Comptabilité


Annuaire des membres :