Link2Biz International
- Directeur Marketing & Sales
2001 - maintenant
Actif depuis plus de 20 ans en Europe Link2Biz est un opérateur indépendant en matière de courrier international.
Le groupe Link2Biz emploie plus de cent personnes et dispose d’une grande expertise en matière d’optimisation et d’organisation de flux postaux
Link2Biz a également développé et continue de perfectionner quotidiennement des services d’externalisation de flux documentaires ou d’e-business en s’appuyant sur des investissements technologiques constants .
Nous vous offrons des solutions personnalisées à une clientèle tournée vers l’international dans les secteurs de la finance, des télécommunications, des voyages et de l’édition.
Du fait de son expérience, Link2Biz apporte à ses clients un avantage compétitif indiscutable pour toutes leurs opérations postales internationales.
Link2Biz is one of the major European independant operators for international postal mail, which includes printing, mailhandling, fulfilment services and postal distribution.
With more than 100 people employed Link2Biz has a very strong and recognized expertise in terms of optimization and organization for postal channeling.
Link2Biz also developped applications enabling customers to outsource their complete administrative or e-business flows, based on permanent investments in the latest technologies.
We offer personalized total solutions to all customers, internationally oriented and active in sectors such as finance, telecommunications, edition and travel.
Thanks to their experience Link2Biz offer an indisputable competitive advantage to their customers for all international postal operations.
Dolphin Telecom
- Sales and Customer Operations Manager
1995 - 2001
May 1995 to May 2001 Dolphin Telecom NV (formerly Belgian Trunking Company)
(Operator of a national wireless radio communication network)
10/2000 – 05/2001 Sales and Customer Operations Manager
- Definition and implementation of Customer Operations organization including :
° Customer Operations structure
° Definition of process
° Implementation of related software tools
(order processing, logistics)
° Definition of documents
° Job descriptions
- Definition and implementation of work breakdown structure with major milestones in view of commercial launch.
01/1998 – 09/2000 Sales Manager
- Take-over of direct channel and reorganization of direct sales force.
- June 1998 : Belgian Trunking Company acquired by Dolphin PLC, 100% subsidiary of Canadian TIW (Telesystem International Wireless).
- Since then, strong involvement in; acquiring TETRA license, start-up of business plan and presentation of budget together with senior management of Dolphin PLC.
- Close involvement in Marketing Plan (market analysis, product definition, price structure, …) in view of commercial launch.
- Start-up of sales strategy and sales structure.
12/1996 – 12/1997 Indirect Sales Manager
- Further development of indirect channel. Contracts signed with major accounts, requiring voice and data services, in key sectors such as : security, utilities, field services and telemetry (parking meters).
01/1996 – 11/1996 Indirect Sales and Marketing Manager
Realizations :
- Official launch of the network
- Presentation of service package to : professional organizations, press, Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
- Establishment of argumentation to direct and indirect channel
- Start-up of advertising campaign.
- Creation and implementation of prospects database.
- Development of indirect channel (dealers & solution providers).
- Establishment of dealer contract and commission program
05/1995 – 12/1995 Projectleader
In charge of overall co-ordination to start-up a national radio communication network, called “Trunking Network”, including :
- Identification of priorities and follow-up prior launch date.
- Establishment of a marketing plan with : quantitative analysis of market sectors, price structure, distribution channels and communication strategy.
- Previsits of potential key-accounts.
- Analysis of business plan and preparation of budget first year.
Editus Belgium
- General Manager
1990 - 1995
1990 – 04/1995 Editus Belgium SA. (formerly Kompass Belgium)
(Editor of professional directories “Business to Business”)
04/1990 – 04/1995 General Manager
- Overall responsibility for commercial, financial, administrative and logistic operations in Belgium. Supervising total staff of 50 people. Annual revenues of EUR 5,5 million.
- Repositioned the Kompass products to specific needs of top Belgian Companies by development of professional directories with high added value and increased circulation to targeted professional users of information.
- Opened-up access to information through on-line CD-ROM.
- Achieved profit recovery by increased revenues from advertising & directory sales and productivity staff.
Transcontinental-Generalcar SA
- General Manager
1986 - 1990
1986 – 1990 Transcontinental-Generalcar SA
(Group of 30 travel agencies – Subsidiary of GB-INNO-BM)
10/1986 – 03/1990 General Manager
- Overall responsibility for commercial, financial, administrative and logistic operations in Belgium. Supervising total staff of 150 people. Annual revenues of EUR 50 million.
- Increased sales volume by 35% and gross profit by 10% through improvement of productivity, restructuration and relocation of travelagencies, integrated computerization and attractiveness of offered products to specific targets.
03/1986 – 10/1986 Asistant to the General Manager
Analyzed and implemented the computerization of the company.