Responsable communication Presse internationale pour les modèles de la gamme BMW X et BMW Z.
Mes compétences :
- Porte parole Modèles BMW X et BMW Z
Munich2012 - maintenant
BMW Group France
- Communication Produit et Technologies BMW Group
Munich2009 - 2011
BMW France
- Responsable de la Communication Technologique et Corporate
Munich2008 - 2009
Skoda France
- Coordinateur Technique
2006 - 2006Managing the Skoda Technicians. Having contacts with the various Skoda dealers around France. Being the interlocutor between A.S.O and Skoda France. Being a representative for Skoda's image all along the Tour de France.
Audi France
- Assistant Relations Publiques et Presse
Villers Cotterets 2005 - 2006PR Assistant, AUDI France, Villers-Côtterets (02).
Organizing the national and international press events. Writing and translating the press releases. Webmaster of the French press website. Daily work such as press reporting, answering the journalist’s requests.