Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Cartographie SIG
Aisance relationelle
Organisation du travail
Glencore Grain
- Intern in the Projects and assets team - Environmental auditor
2014 - 2015Member of the projects and assets team, working on the environmental framework for the operational plan 1-3 years. Assessment of the overall and specific environmental situation for each asset and building an advisory environmental framework for best practices and future improvements.
- Intern in the sustainable services department
Puteaux2014 - 2015Member of team for the "Closing mineral cycles" project for the European commission, report writting, collecting information, etc.
Member of team for both "Biofuels" and "Biomaterials" studies, information collecting, report writting, interviewing, etc.
2013 - 2013Etat des lieux du réseau de circuits courts alimentaires sur le territoire :
-enquêtes directives et semi directives en face à face et via internet
-analyse des données statistiques
-Rédaction d'un rapport de propositions pour développer la demande locale en circuits courts
Travail en équipe, coordination, communication, prise de responsabilité, prise d'initiative.