
Clotilde CHANG


En résumé

Mes compétences :
attaché de presse
Jeux vidéo


  • VPCOM - PR Manager

    2009 - maintenant Manager of Department at VPCOM

    - Working on high value brands: Red Dead Redemption, Pro Evolution Soccer, Metal Gear Solid, GTA, Max
    Payne, Castlevania, Silent Hill, etc.
    - Create and organize PR strategy in coordination with EMEA and US offices
    - Developped professional contacts in mainstream and specialized press
    - Creation and organization of press events (launch, press journey...)
    - Participation to differents video games shows (E3, Gamescom, Paris Games Week, Japan Expo)
    - Creation of press tools (press release, press kit etc.)
    - Social media expertise
    - Defined Press lists and ensured individualized follow-up
    - Tracked press clippings and product reports
  • Label indépendant 4EME SINGE MUSIC - Assistante manager - Attaché de presse

    2007 - 2008 - Develop a strong communication strategy for the album release of an artist in progress
    - Hip Hop Music market knowledge
    - Create buzz around the artist
    - Creation and participation of differents events and roadshow in order to increase the artist's fame/reputation
    (Festival de Paris, Lyrical Suspect Roadshow etc.)
    - Creation and diffusion of press kit, media alerts, etc. to music and mainstream journalists
    - Defined Press lists and ensured individualized follow-up
    - Tracked press clippings and created product reports
    - In charge of medias partnerships
  • Joanna Avrane - Assistant attaché de presse

    2006 - 2006 - Creation and writing of press tools (press releases, press kits, etc...)
    - Defined press list and ensured individualized follow-up
    - Products shipment
    - Tracked press clippings and created products reports
  • EURO RSCG - Assistante consultante presse - Attaché de presse

    PUTEAUX 2006 - 2007 - Worked on high consumer accounts: DARTY BOX, LU, eBay, Ultrashape
    - Worked closely with PR Managers of each product and in particular with the PR Manager of LU for the product launch "Les Flûtes de paille d'Or"
    - Creation and writing of press tools (press releases, press kits etc...)
    - Defined press lists and ensured individualized follow-up
  • VOLKSWAGEN France s.a - Assistante directeur marketing Volkswagen Utilitaires

    2005 - 2005 - Developped internal communication with the "VW CUBE" magazine project
    - Link between marketing department and advertising agencies
    - Setting-up of internal events



Annuaire des membres :