Ingedia - Groupe Nox
- Supervisor Implementation - Expert EU procurement
2011 - maintenantContract 2010/251-264; Supervision of Support on upgrading the power transmission system to meet the Energy Community Technical Standards – Lot 2 Management Information System for the Market Operator.
A project in relation to policy reform in the area of governance of transparent (future) energy contracts for the National Energy Market Operator in Kosovo. Coordination and supervision of installation, commissioning services and testing activities related to the Energy Market Operator MIS for KOSTT in Kosovo. Market Operator must follow ENTSO-E rules.
Monitoring of Management information system analyses, design and implementation (roll-out) based on PRINCE II type of project Management and iterative software analyses and design of the solution. Further needs assessment and ICT market price analyses. Organised poject extention on EU PRAG rules for SCADA interfacing (networking hardware)The investment roll-out includes activities to support organizational policy change management. The acceptance procedures included the definition and setting of performance benchmarks and milestones in relation to the payment schedule.
EuropeAid/IPA/PRAG/1 Meuros. Sector(s): ICT/Energy/Public Administration Institutional development.