
Coralie CELMA


En résumé

I am part of a project until November in Singapore on kinetics of radical copolymerization. I am looking forward to find a position in polymer chemistry or coatings where my background and interpersonal skills can improve the productivity of my future Team.


  • A*STAR - Junior research assistant

    2014 - maintenant ICES, Jurong Island, Singapore: Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences.
    Determination of kinetic ratios of radical copolymerization through the use of Maldi-Tof Mass Spectrometer.
  • Mawson Institute - End-of-study work placement

    2014 - 2014 Vapour Phase Polymerization (VPP), of conductive polymers (CPs) for biomedical application.
    • Enhance CPs through nano-engineering using different additives.
    • Control CP properties for end-use application (confidential)
    • Design of pilot production manufacturing process (lab process to commercial scale)
    • Analysis of samples using AFM, XPS, contact angle goniometer, 4-point probe (resistivity), mechanical profilometer
    • Good laboratory work practice, including WHS considerations
    • Dissemination of results (written reports and oral presentations to key stakeholders)
    This work will lead to the intellectual property being captured in both a patent and a scientific
  • AkzoNobel - School collaboration

    Thiverny 2013 - 2014 School project in collaboration Akzonobel
    • Find innovative ideas on Smart paint coatings for automobile application: Think out of the box
    • Bibliographical and feasibility study
    • Dissemination of results (written reports and oral presentations)
  • EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology - Work placement

    2013 - 2013 EMPA, St Gallen, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology.
    Work on plasma polymerization and degradation polymer films.
    • Learning of the apparatus
    • Analysis of samples using IR, contact angle goniometer, mechanical profilometer
    • Dissemination of results (written reports and oral presentations)
    Paper: Influence of Deposition Conditions on Structure and Aging of C:H:O Plasma Polymer Films Prepared from
    Acetone/CO2 Mixtures.
    M.Drabik, J.Kousal, C.Celma, P.Rupper, H.Biederman and D.Hegemann. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 11,5 (2014)



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