April 2007 to (update): Permanent contract at CITCO Luxembourg S.A. as Trust Officer accounting
- Responsible for day-to-day accounting, preparing annual financial statements and publication accounts for allocated client companies.
- Responsible for the preparation of interim reports, consolidation reports, cash reports, and other financial results in accordance with Luxembourg GAAP, IFRS, or any other international accounting standard.
February 2006 to March 2007: Assignment at CACEIS Bank Luxembourg S.A. as
Consultant in the Tax Services & Income Services.
- Tax Reclaim on the Luxembourg UCITs (German, Portuguese, Danish, Finnish,...)
- International fiscal analysis (DTT / domestic law)
- QI (U.S. Market)
- Payment dividend / interest to the clients
November 2005 to February 2006 : Temporary contract at U.B.S. Fund (Luxembourg) Services S.A.
as Back-Office employee.
- Fund reporting : Calculation of the taxation on dividend (German, Austrian, Swiss)
June 2003 to September 2005 : Permanent contract at European Management Fiduciary S.A.
(Luxembourg) as accountant.
- Responsible for fiscal accounting for international clients (SOPARFI) and tax declarations
- Fund accountancy
- Customer and Bank Relationship
- Administrative tasks : Annual General Meetings, Board of Directors, Government auditor, pay slips.
October 2002 to June 2003 : Permanent contract at Servigest S.A. (Luxembourg) as Accountant.
- Preparing accounts for individual client (Bank, Cash, Expenses, Call, others operations)
- Tax declarations
- Balance sheets
- Property company accountancy
- Preparation of contracts : Loans, incorporation of companies.
- Administrative tasks : Invoices, listings, payments.
August 2001 to May 2002 : Temporary work at Investlife Luxembourg S.A. as accountant.
- Bank reconciliation
- Accounting of financial commission accounts (Belgian, French and Italian markets)
- Regularisation of commission accounts in the software AIA.
- Money Laundering training
- Administrative tasks : Checking and sending statements of account to clients.
December 2000 : Stage as accountant at Direction Départementale de la Poste at Saint-Lô (France)
June 1995 and May-June 2000 : Stages as accountant in the society Coopérative Maritime at Grandcamp Maisy (Calvados - France)
1990-1994 : Collège Notre Dame de Carentan
Degree : Brevet des Collèges
1994-1998 : Lycée Institut (Saint-Lô-France)
Degree : Brevet d?Etudes Professionnelles d?Administration Commerciale et de Comptabilité (BEP ACC)
1998-1999 : Lycée Sivard de Baulieu at (Carentan-France)
Degree : Baccalauréat de Sciences Techniques et Tertiaires (BAC STT), specialist subject Accountancy (BAC STT) with mention « Assez Bien »
1999-2001 : Section STS Comptabilité-Gestion at Lycée Pierre et Marie Curie (Saint-Lô-France)
Degree : BTS de Comptabilité-Gestion
+ Equivalent to D.P.E.C.F. (U.V. of Business Accountancy/Management)
2002-2006 : Centre de Langues Luxembourg
Degree : English certificate (Level 3 to 5, pre-intermediary and intermediary)
German certificate (Level 1 and 2, Beginners)
Language skills and software acknowledge skills
English : Intermediary level
Spanish : Secondary School level
German : Level 2 Beginners (Centre des Langues)
Software : Cubic, Bob, Ciel compta, Excel, Word, Works, Access, Mainframe, GP3
Other Information
Licence : Driving Licence (B)
Hobbys : Soccer, Tennis, Piano, Chess and Internet
Training : Understanding of Stock Exchange Market instruments (March 2007)
Mes compétences :
Private Equity
Real Estate