Daniel Fonte received the M.Sc degree in Mechanical Engineering (robotics and systems field) from Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal in 2011. During his education he has been abroad with the ERASMUS program, at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées, France.
From 2009 to 2011 he has participated as a professional staff member on the two first Fusion For Energy (F4E) grants of Remote Handling for the ITER project. He currently works as junior consultant for key french accounts in the domains of embedded software and automotive engineering.
His master thesis, which was performed in simultaneous with his research work and within the referred F4E grants provided an important background for the ITER RH component and was granted, in 2012, with the Best Student Master Thesis Award from Portuguese Robotics Society (SPR) for the year 2011. His research work also gave rise to two authored papers presented in international conferences with peer review in the area of robotics and to three other co-authored publications.
His most relevant professional training correlates to systems engineering activities such as rapid control prototyping, test and integration of embedded control systems and to the mobile robotics field in particular on motion planning techniques.
Mes compétences :
Systems Engineering