- Consultant et formateur SQL Server et Sybase.
- Responsable d'agence CapData Nantes.
- Correspondant local Cri'Ouest.
- SQL Server MVP
Mes compétences :
SQL Server
CapData Consulting
- SQL Server MVP
BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT2006 - maintenant- Branch manager (NANTES), Cri'Ouest correspondent (association for french west coast IT Managers ).
- Co-manager on CapData's remote DBA monitoring systems.
- Software engineering manager for SQL Server and Sybase ASE monitoring agents.
- Many expertise jobs on SQL Server and Sybase ASE / Replication Server for more than 30 companies bank/insurance, telecoms, DRM, tour operators in France and Europe: performance and architecture audits, upgrades, benchmarks...
- Advanced trainings on SQL Server Production, SQL Server Advanced Replication and SQL Server Clustered in France and Europe.
- Technical seminars.
- Blogging at http://blog.capdata.fr