


En résumé

I'm here, on Viadeo, especially to meet people interesting to share professional experiences and skills through virtual communities dedicated to agroecology. I personally planned to build very soon a semi-private Viadeo community for the agroecologists we are teaching in the Lasalle Institute as well as for potential and corresponding partners from outside the Institute. Main objective is to make closer the professional actors of this domain, the persons in charge of the training of this kind of engineers and of course, the engineers themselves.
Do not hesitate to contact me or to ask for a personnal account in the agroecology community I will manage soon!! You're very welcomed

Mes compétences :
Remote sensing


  • Joint Research Centre of Ispra - MARSPAC IPSC Unit (Italy) - Researcher / contractual agent

    2006 - 2009 My mission was mostly to assist Member States stakeholders and the European Commission to deal with some technical and/or scientific aspects of the CAP (Common Agriculture Policy) deployement. In first hand, I initiated consortia in order to respond to FP7 calls concerning "Development of on-farm geotraceability system to ease farms certification schemes adoption and ecoefficiency appraisal". On the other hand I participated to JRC research projects concerning (i) the "GHG emission from european livestock system (GGELS project)", (ii) the "LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) quality appraisal by having recourse to GIS/remote sensing and ecological methodologies" and the integration of "landscape structure and farm agroecological efficiency index into spatiotemporal models dedicated to the simulation of the agricultural soils prices evolution in EU" (together with JRC IES Unit).
  • Polytechnic Institute of LaSalle Beauvais - Lecturer

    2004 - maintenant Missions are several. First of all, to teach to future ingeneers, knowledge and know-how related to plant ecophysiology, agroecology, landscape ecology, agronomy as well as project funding and management. Second I'm responsible for the ASET cursus in the Institute (Agroecology, Soils Water and territories, Master 2 level). Third, I'm also coordinating an institutional and transversal research project called "the Farm of the future" : my role is to consolidate private and public R&D organisations partnerships focusing onto agroecological and industrial research programs centered onto the LaSalle farms network in order to test innovation in agriculture and transfer them towards farmers and farmers' organizations. By the way, I'm also coordinating/participating to R&D projects such as agroforestry, agroecological services analysis for PES determination (Payement of ecological services) or again experimental plant ecophysiology and agricultural economics.
  • LEAP AM Javouhay - Teacher

    2002 - 2004 Principaly to teach to future technicians and A-level students fondamental and technical knowledge in agronomy, environment, landscape management.
  • INRA Dijon Agronomy - PhD

    1998 - 2002 During my PhD, I was studying in field, the N & C balance within soybean plant in order to explain yield and its quality elaboration during the seed filling period - I was using N & &C balabce as well as 15N labelling in controlled conditions
  • INRA - Chargé de recherche

    Paris 1998 - 2002 During my doctorat (PhD), I had to analyse the determining of the yield and its quality in soybean seeds and crops (Glycine max L. Merryl). Mainly, my principal tasks were related to the test of temperature, nitrogen nutrition level, cultivar and source/sink ratio effects onto yield and protein content in vegetative and reproductive parts of plants. This, in order to constitute models enable to predict C and N content in seeds at harvest.



Annuaire des membres :