J'ai rejoint en 2003 l'ancien dirigeant de l'OCDE en charge de la gouvernance en tant qu'analyste et consultant.
Notre cabinet est spécialisé et se concentre uniquement sur la gouvernance d'entreprise mais en intrégrant l'ensemble de ses dimensions (organisation, stratégie, risque et controle interne, compliance, communication).
Je suis en charge du developpement de la pratique "gestion des risques et audit interne"
Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec l'équipe dirigeante et le conseil d'administration.
Ci-dessous, un bref cv
Since 03 - Nestor Advisors Ltd ? London ? United Kingdom
Analyst-Consultant -Array
- Internal audit and risk management: Internal Auditor, as part of an outsourced internal audit team for a LSE listed company with operations in the CEE region. Reviewed and updated the risk map and risk management policy, developed & performed the group risk based audit plan
- Advisory: board evaluation, governance design, investor relation, family firms, governance for IPOs
- Member of the Institute of Internal Audit
- Member of the UN steering group on Corporate Governance
- Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute and panel member for the Aspen Institute
- Member of the Professional Risk Manager Association
- Associate Researcher at the French Institute of Corporate Governance (
from 98 to 03 - RSMI Salustro Reydel (now KPMG) ? Prague ? Czech Republic
Responsible of the Economic Studies Department, analysing the overall economic climate, exchange market, banking system, clients specific studies
from 99 to 03 - EM Lyon (Lyon School of Management) ? France
Professor-assistant within the team Finance and Systems, Bachelor, Master and Executive level. Animate business simulation (Pigmalyon), work on corporate valuation, cost of capital and value creation
from 96 to 98 - JPC Assistance ? Villeurbanne ? France
In charge of Purchasing. Worked closely with the Responsible for Quality Insurance to implement the ISO 9002 norm.
Persona Argaloka Tour and Travel, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Travel programs development and relationship with French tour operators
Mes compétences :
Board of Directors
Corporate governance
Gouvernance d'entreprise