My 46 short video clips that give quick "hits" on presentation skills are
now available at the AppStore: "TIPS to boost your presentation skills"
You can download six of them FREE of charge.
See my latest public presentation filmed in Norway in February 2014
Web site:Array
My handbook entitled "Presenting from A to Z" is available in English and in French.
On top of the key tips inside you'll also find links to some good web sites. To date:15000
copies distributed. The booklet can also be personalized.
If you want some quick tips on PowerPoint you can see my before and after slide demos
on YouTube : David Tomlinson slide makeovers.
I'm officially registered as a trainer in Paris France.
N°11 75 47646 75
(Conforme aux dispositions de l'article R.6351-6 du code du travail)
1966 - 1971 Educated in England: 2 GCE A levels. 5 GCE O levels.
1971 Nov - Followed a 3 year apprenticeship to become a Dental Technician.
1974 - CITY & GUILDS LONDON INSTITUTE certificate in Dental Mechanics and
associated science passed with CREDIT.
1979- Met french actress Martine Havet in Spain (Cosette in the film "Les Miserables")
She invited me to Paris so I left everything and moved to France.
- Martine encouraged me to follow an artistic path and taught me French.
1982- "Europeenne de Spectacles" gave me my first opportunity to present in France,
which enabled me to start a new career.
1985-Engaged as MC on "Le Mermoz" by Les Croisieres Paquet which led to the position of Cruise Director.
1993 - Back to Paris to study the research on presenting and journalism. Involved extensively in corporate work.
2000 - Translated from French to English the know-how of "Personnalité" (ISQ OPQF) a company specialised in presentation skills. Became a professional trainer.
2011- My first book "Presenting from A to Z"
2012 - Produced 46 one minute videos, available at the AppStore.
"TIPS to boost your presentation skills"
Mes compétences :
Presentation Skills
Pas d'entreprise renseignée
Pas de formation renseignée