I’m patient and persistant for all of complex works. I’m really good as using algorithme to solve any problem.
I'm a programmer with C# as predilection language and C++. I'm working with Unity and worked well on a racer game during my internship at Fishing Cactus. If you want to know more about abilities, you can contact Maxime Rollet at maxime.rollet@fishingcactus.be.
I learned many things during my stage as self working and work in team. Due to the fact that I need to work with a team I developped as great sense of communication. I’m not afraid to ask questions when I got a possible problem. I learnt to calling into question about my work and solve problem or in other way find where I got right. I developped download and upload menu to create a simulation of multiplayers game. That experience was nice because I needed to learn Node.Js to use Amazon SDK and I created Unity environment. I used git and babun to help me with git command.
During my skills trainning, I worked on a web plateforme to help Authors to publish their works. I learned C# link with Asp.NET and created program wit MVVM pattern.
Creativity is my best personnality part. This helps me with all of my problems. I can find anything that I want to do. Due to it, I have multiple points of views and severals scenarios in my head. With that capacity I can solve anything like programmation problems or with colleagues. One of my passions is writing. I’m currently writing a novel named Seven Worlds. I like to share it with you that because I think programming is like writing a novel but with an other vocabulary and specific rules. Because in both of them we could create worlds and imagine any things we could do.
An other kind of my passions is learning. I’m currently learning Unreal Engine with Udemy course.
Mes compétences :
Personal Home Page
Windows Presentation Foundation
Object Oriented Analysis/Design
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft Transact-SQL
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft C-SHARP
Microsoft .NET Technology
Cascading Style Sheets
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