A a french lawyer, i founded Cabinet TRINIOL, in 1997, based on the following values : Ethic, opérational appoach, transparency, responsiveness added value.
I offer my clients:
- 15 years experience in energy, retail and IT services (private equity, LBO; LMBO, commercial contratcs, strategic joint-ventures)
- 10 years expertise in comercial real estate matters with focus on investment finance and real estate development ( construction agreements, commercial leases, due diligence works).
- A solid know how in dispute resolution ( assisting clients before all juridiction and advising them from pre-litigation strategy through to decision performance)
I have been involved in many international cases ( spain, russia ...) and differentiate myself througt an in-depth understanding of my clients's industry, offering them assistance in implemeting their development and growth strategies
Mes compétences :
Private equity
Strategic planning
General corporate
M& A
commercial contracts
Pas de formation renseignée