First name: Djima
Date and birth place: August 07, 1987 at Eweran in Togo
Nationality: Togolese
Address: 01 BP 2497 S/C SOGNIGBE Bléoussans, Lomé-Togo, Phone: (+228) 91991116 / 98407740
- Agronomist Engeneer
2009-2016: Research Assistant in Agricultural Sciences with Prof Kodjo Agbeko TOUNOU and Dr. Komi AGBOKA (PhD), Lectures and Researchers at Superior school of agronomy in University of Lome (EAS/UL);
2010-2014: Aids in entomology and nematology laboratory at Agronomic experimentation station of Lome (SEAL) in ESA/UL;
2012-2014: Assistant in the project of research on the borers of stems and minor of corncobs and their natural enemies in Togo, project financed by" International Foundation of Sciences";
2013-2014: Assistance in the project of "mycorhize on the market cultures and the durable production of yam in Togo";
2012-2015: national coordinator of the hydraulic and agricultural projects in Agricultural investment Committee (CIA) charged of the Programming, the coordination for promotion, sensitization and the popularization;
Since 2012: General Manager of El desko enterprise, working in agriculture and rural development;
2014-2015: Responsible of the prospecting, promotion and sensitization of Solergie enterprise, installation and follow-up solar kiosks in the villages of Togo;
2015: Active involvement to the project of assessment of impact of the platforms of cow innovation milk and QPM corn on the food and nutritional security of the beneficiary households in Togo (project of CORAF/WECARD and CTA supervised by Prof. TOUNOU Agbéko Kodjo).
2003 - 2012: initiation to the system of storage and conservation of the food commodities at Anie's market, Togo;
2010: Practicum of impregnation in animal and plant production and hydraulic system at agronomic experimentation station of Lome;
2010: Active participant to the Convention of the IAAS (International Association of Students in Agricultural and related sciences) in Nigeria with theme: "Poor farmers' productivity and food security";
2011-2012: Practicum at agronomic experimentation station of Lome in Superior school of agronomy, University of Lome on the follow-up of the technical itinerary of some cultures;
2011: Promoter and active involvement to the Convention of the students in Agriculture in Togo with for theme: "Business and agricultural development";
2012: Chef of Togolese delegation and active involvement to the Convention of the IAAS in Benin with for theme: "Green farming for Africa: an opportunity for wealth and development";
2013: African president, responsible and active involvement to the Convention of the IAAS in Cote d'Ivoire with theme: "Let's unleash the potential of the African family farming for sovereign food supply and sustainable territorial development";
2013: Receipt of the honor Diploma with special mention awarded by the director of the Superior school of agronomy of the institute National Polytechnic Felix Houphouet-Boigny (INP-HB) of Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire;
Since 2008: Mastery of the computer tools and the internet;
2009-2014: Active member of IAAS;
2010-2011: National coordinator of exchanges, cooperation and partnership of the IAAS-Togo;
2011-2012: Secretary National of IAAS-Togo;
2012-2013: national president of IAAS-Togo;
2013-2014: President of the IAAS AFRICA;
2015: Driver's license: Categories A (Motorcycle) and B (Auto).
French: Read, write, listen and speak;
English: Read, write, listen and speak;
National and maternal: Ewé and Ifé: Read, listen and speak.
Sport: soccer, race of speed and long jump; Journey: discovered of the natural and verdant landscape, mention tourist, convenient on the land.
Mes compétences :
agriculture, Phytotechnie,defense des cultures