


En résumé

A l'écoute des opportunités de carrière en tant que Directeur Financier,Directeur Audit,
Je suis un Expert Comptable du Quebec et Expert Financier avec une solide expérience dans un cabinet international d'Audit (BIG4), 15 ans en Audit et Conseil dans des secteurs d'activité variés (Polyvalent).
Projet professionnel: Conseiller Financier / Direction Financière/ Direction d'Audit interne et risques.


Madagascar, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sénégal, Guinée-Bissau, Niger, Suisse, Belgique, Québec, France, Yémen,

Membre de la société des comptables du Canada ayant acquis une grande expérience au niveau national et international dans les domaines de la Comptabilité, de l’audit, et du respect des lois et des normes IFRS, US GAP. Connaissances des règlements du PNUD et de la banque Mondiale.

Mr. Tissoudal is expert in:

• public sector strategic and operational planning systems;
• the analysis, design and implementation of results and activity based financial management and accounting systems;
• the analysis, reform and re-engineering of financial and accounting business processes;
• the development of client-centred financial and accounting policies and administrative procedures;
• the development and implementation of public sector planning, budgeting and control systems;
• the implementation of financial accounting and control “S.E.G.M.A” (Services de l'État Gérés de Manière Autonome);
• the specification of budgeting, financial and accounting information technology requirements;

Relevant experience:
• Project Management
• Design and project development
• Evaluation and monitoring of projects
• Strengthening institutional capacity
• Human Resource Development
• Projects budgets management and organization of the cost-recovery system
• Control of `he Elections Assistance project accounts
• Establishment of the project budget preparation/modification monitoring system
• Facilitates and co-ordinates external, internal, donor or government audits
• Assists with the preparation and revision of program and grant proposals.

Relevant experience:
• Project Management
• Design and project development
• Evaluation and monitoring of projects
• Strengthening institutional capacity
• Human Resource Development
• Projects budgets management and organization of the cost-recovery system
• Control of `he Elections Assistance project accounts
• Establishment of the project budget preparation/modification monitoring system
• Facilitates and co-ordinates external, internal, donor or government audits
• Assists with the preparation and revision of program and grant proposals.

Major projects
Canadian development agency
• Ensures that all policies and procedures are in compliance with Canadian development agency CIDA and funding source policies, procedures, and requirements
• As required, establishes finance and supporting function policies, systems and procedures, and directs or performs their development, documentation, and implementation.
• Manages the finance department activities and schedules to meet the financial reporting requirements.
• Develop reporting formats to aid in the management of country operations and grant expenditures.
• Closely monitors all financial activities, and keeps the Country Director advised of all situations which have the potential for a negative impact on internal controls or financial performance.
• Ensure that on a monthly basis balance sheet reconciliations are completed on a timely basis and that final reconciliation and trial balances are reviewed with the Country Director.
• Directs the preparation of, and approves all donor financial reports in respect to accounting, legal and contractual requirements and ensures the review of such reports by the Country Director and Regional Controller prior to submission.

Mes compétences :
project development
implementation of financial accounting and control
Projects budgets management
Project Management
Project Accounting
Human Resource Development
Elections Assistance


  • Tmr conseil - Consultant

    2002 - maintenant j’ai eu plusieurs mandats au niveau national que international. J’ai effectué plusieurs mandats :
    * diriger la vérification des comptes et les audits spéciaux ;
    * coordonner et suivre les travaux de vérification ;
    * réaliser des diagnostics fonctionnels et de plans d'actions stratégiques ;
    * Préparer la vérification des comptes et les audits de gestion axés sur les risques ;
    * Superviser et instruire le personnel tout au long du processus de vérification et d’audit pour assurer la conformité avec les normes et Lois en vigueur ;
    * Rédiger des rapports de vérification ;
    * Suivre l’état d’application des recommandations formulées.
  • Tmr conseil - Formateur

    2000 - maintenant
  • Tmr conseil - Consultant

    2000 - maintenant


  • Université Du Québec En Outaouais (UQO) (Gatineau (Québec))

    Gatineau (Québec) 1989 - 1995 CMA


Annuaire des membres :