

Faribault, Minnesota

En résumé

Titulaire d'un diplôme d'ingénieur en céramique industrielle, j'ai effectué une thèse en Physique dans le domaine des sciences des matériaux réalisée au CEA Marcoule en collaboration avec le laboratoire CNRS-CEMHTI d'Orléans.

A la suite d'une courte expérience en tant que postdoc a l'université de Trento en Italie, j'ai effectué un VIE de 18 mois à Faribault dans l'état du Minnesota aux Etats-Unis. Ce VIE au sein du département R&D de la société SageGlass, filiale de Saint-Gobain m'a apporté une vision élargie et concrète du poste d'ingénieur R&D et d'ingénieur production grâce notamment à la proximité de l'usine et du département de recherche.

N'hésitez pas a me contacter si vous souhaitez des informations plus détaillées au sujet de mon parcours et de mes futures attentes professionnelles.

En vous remerciant par avance de l'intérêt que vous porterez à mon profil,


Mes compétences :
Caractérisation des matériaux
Science des matériaux
Rédaction scientifique
Recherche scientifique
X-Ray Crystallography > XRD
Scanning Electron Microscopy
nuclear waste management
Experimental Design
Data Analysis
Scientific Research
aided design
Microsoft Office
Python Programming
Spectroscopie d'impédance électrochimique


  • SageGlass - Saint-gobain - VIE - Ingenieur R&D

    Faribault, Minnesota 2019 - 2020
  • Universite de Trento - Postdoc

    Trente, Italie 2019 - 2019 Ces travaux de recherches ont été réalisés sous la supervision du Professeur Vincenzo Sglavo au sein du département d'Ingénierie de l'Universite de Trento.

    Les principaux objectifs visés au cours de ce postdoc ont ete :

    - L'étude des propriétés mécaniques et microstructurales de verres renforcés par la technique classique d'échange d'ions.
    - La recherche et l'essai de techniques d'échange d'ions alternatives / assistés.
    - Des recherches bibliographiques
    - La rédaction d'un document de synthèse

    Outre l'aspect scientifique, l'immersion dans un environnement universitaire et international m'a permis de développer d'autres compétences notamment linguistiques avec des échanges oraux et écrit en anglais mais aussi en italien.
  • Commissariat À L'energie Atomique (cea) - PhD

    2015 - 2018 Subject: Study of borosilicate glasses electrical and dielectrical properties (3 years)
    The context of this study is part of the nuclear waste management especially at the vitrification step in a cold crucible induction melter process. This work is financially supported by CEA, Orano and EDF. This work was performed in the CEA Marcoule laboratories and the CEMTHI-CNRS in Orléans, France.
    The studied materials during this work correspond to borosilicate glass samples used as matrices for conditioning fission products. Their electrical properties have been measured on a wide range of temperatures and frequencies by Eletrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) method and their microstructure has been investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy technics. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the electrical properties and the microstructure or the chemical composition of the glasses by understanding the displacement of the charge carriers, mainly identified as the small cations such as Na+ ions.
  • Commariat À L'energie Atomique (cea) - Research intern

    2015 - 2015 Subject: Study of the mechanisms involved in the formation of crystals incorporating
    chromium in glasses of nuclear interest (4 months)
    The objective was to use a lattice design of experiments to study the
    glass composition influence, in terms of Fe2O3, ZnO, NiO and Cr2O3, on
    spinel group (AB2O4) formation. The design of experiments is composed
    of nine simplified mixtures of glasses. Each glass has followed the same
    & heat treatment up to 1100°C and two samples, corresponding to two
    different cooling rates (one slow and one faster) have been collected. Both
    were compared by optical and scanning electron microscopy.
    After observing and recording sample images, Image-J software has been used to determine the
    crystallization ratio of each sample to identify the influence of the oxides in the formation of crystals
    incorporating chromium.
  • University of Chemistry and Technology - Stagiaire chercheur

    2015 - 2015
  • University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT), Prague - The Czech Republic: - Research engineer

    2015 - 2015 Subject: Elastic properties of ceramics and refractories, including porous materials at high temperature (4 months)

    This work consists in the investigation of elastic properties of multiphase silicate ceramics with varying
    porosity. Rectangular shape samples have been obtained by pressing mixtures of powders and fired at
    different temperature. Their phase composition has been determined via X-ray diffraction and it has been
    possible to calculate the theoretical density and Young's modulus from the volume fraction of each phase.
    The porosity and the bulk density have been obtained by Archimedes method and geometrical
    measurement. The Young's modulus at room temperature and its evolution during the thermal cycle have
    been determined by the impulse excitation method. The corresponding curves have revealed the influence
    - of the phases on the Young's modulus (modification of the absolute value, evolution during the thermal
    cycle, hysteresis...). The relative Young's modulus has been compared with some prediction models such
    as Hashin-Shtrikmann and exponential ones.
  • Medtronic - Stagiaire

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2014 - 2014
  • Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Deggendorf - Allemagne - Research intern

    2014 - 2014 Subject: Processing of unused powders for bone substitute manufacturing (4 months)

    During artificial spinal column bones production from ceramic raw materials, an important material
    is lost, decreasing the yield of the production. The goal of this research internship was to find a
    way to recycle this lost material and to implement it again in the process. The main difficulty is to get the
    same quality of product as the first round and that meets the requirements in terms of porosity and
    A first improvement was to reduce the quantity of ceramic slurry required to impregnate a total of 15
    polymer skeleton plates by impregnate more plates at once: 2 molds of 7 and 8 plates instead of 3 molds
    of 4 plates and one mold of 3 plates.
    The second improvement was to modify the debinding temperature dwell to reduce the flakiness and
    fragility of the impregnated plates. With these modifications, the yield was improved up to 46.80% in the
    best case against an initial value of 36%.
  • Imerys - Stagiaire

    2012 - 2012
  • Imerys Tableware, Limoges - France - Research intern

    2012 - 2012 Subject: Development of a vitreous base for glazed engobe coating on terra cotta roof tiles (3 months)
    The first goal of this study was to determine, thanks to a dilatometer, the thermal expansion coefficient
    of several glass frits (representing 80 to 90% of the glazed engobe present in the formulation) in order to
    compare them with some roof tiles 'ones also measured. These characterizations allowed us to know if it
    was possible to correctly enamel the roof tiles and prevent problems during the firing and cooling such as
    coating cracking or flaking.
    Secondly, according to the results, we realized mixtures between frits to observe the thermal expansion
    coefficient's evolution and to be able to control this parameter.
    Finally, we made different tests by spraying, on two kind of support, the solutions prepared at the
    laboratory. In a first time, we sprayed on roof tiles pieces coming from several customers and in a second



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