


En résumé

Edmond is a self-motivated and driven student and in constant seek for challenging; and for mean to exceed his own expectation. To have a better understanding of the business world and to be more responsive academica , Edmond has been part of several leadership activities. This helps him as well to be a better team player.Now, he has graduated with a First Class Honours degree and top of his promotion.

Edmond is doing his POSTGRADUATE STUDIES in Finance for the next academic year.
He is looking to add value within the INVESTMENT BANKING sector after his studies.

Edmond is also candidate for the CFA and level I Exam.

Completion of Leadership and BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Programs:

 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Institute Program 2013, Ifrane/Morocco
 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Seminar 2013, Leeds/England
 Youth to Leadership Forum 2014, Univesrity of Bristol/ England
 International Model United Nations for the youth 2014, Cardiff University:Wales
 The only student Speaker at the annual conference of the Consortium for Research and Higher
Education, 2012 Casablanca/Morocco
 London Dreamcatcher Day 2014, University College London /England
 Train the trainers (TtT) conference 2014, Bristol/England
 AIESEC's Enterprise Project, 2014, Cardiff/Wales

Training and Development Worshops

 Principle of Success
 Perfect Presentation
 Social Media of Today
 Art of interview.

Mes compétences :
Public Speaking
Conseil en management
Stock trading
Global Market Understanding
Accounting and Finance
Business Strategy
International Marketing Strategy
Leadership and Change management
Strategic Management
Business Planning et Consolidations
Business analysis
Value creation
Investment banking
Corporate finance
Financial econometrie
Financial market


  • Lancaster University Investment and Finance Club - TEAM MEMBER

    2014 - maintenant
  • UNICEF - Head of Communication

    Paris 2013 - 2014 UNICEF On Campus, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

    • Coordinating all the activties of the organization. (event, fundraising, sport activties, ect)
    .Community management of the organization
    . Ensuring a good public relation, advertising.
    . Strategically build a brand awareness around the Mission and vision of UNICEF.
    . Ensuring a good communicatin and collaboration between the different department.
    • External relations , external support, sponsorship, photographer.
  • AIESEC - Outgoing Exchange Manager

    2013 - 2014 Member of the OGX Team at AIESEC Cardiff (UK).

    - Representing the oragnization in Cardiff metropolitan University.
    - This included being the link between the student union, work placement department, students and the organization.
    -Organizing info session to get people know what the company is doing.
    -In Charge of recruitment of potential new members from Cardiff metropolitan University.
    -In charge of recruiting potential EPS for the internship opportunties.
    -Interviewing EPS during Assessemet centers.

    Awarded most committed member of the second term
  • Leadership in Strategic Planning Certificate - Certificate awarded by Al Akhawayn University (LDI)

    2013 - 2013 I have been awarded a certificate for being part of the first Leasdership Development Institute Conference-Debate-Training.

    AL Akhawayn University Leadership Development Institute Certificate.
  • Autograph Casablanca - Intern

    Casablanca 2013 - 2013 During this internship, i have worked on three major projects.

    I have participated to the creation of the brochure for adverstisement of the event.
    I also was assigned to the prospect of potential sponsor of the event. In addition, i often served as a translator and assigned to translate short e-mail into english before replying them.

    Third project: SolutecQ Algerie. " The salon of the Quality management of enterprises.I have participated the design of the architecture of the SolutecQ Alger Website. My mission was to analyse and decide what should be put on the website based. I was also assigned to advertise the salon in forum, social network, everywhere in Algeria.

    Second mission. SolutecQ DOHA, I was assigned to establish a database of a list of things necessary to set up SOLUTECQ such as the best place to held to set up it, ...

    I was assigned other many tasks from the creation of media-planning, and several data base creation based on some specif criteria such as the quality, the reputation...
    Furtheremore, i played the role of community manager of the company of the company Autograph. I have written articles to explained what the company operated in and animated the social networks page of the company.
  • ESITH Regional Casablanca Championship debate Certificate - Certificate Awarded by ESITH

    2013 - 2013 Member of the Winner Team of the 1st Edition of ESITH Regiona Casablanca Championship Debate. We represented SIST/ Sunderland.
  • INPT Great Debators Morocco Certificate - Certificate awarded by INPT debating Championship Commitee.

    2013 - 2013 Member of the wining team of INPT Great Debaters Morocco.
  • EHTP Debating National Competition Certificate - Certificate awarded by OLYMPIADES EHTP

    2013 - 2013 I am a member of the wining team of the 2nde edition of Debating National Competition against 20 schools and University of Morocco.
  • Banque Régionale de Solidarité - Intern

    2012 - 2012 Staff Assistance
    Client Assistance
  • LES ETS COMPAORE P. ABEL - Sales man, negotiator and assistant

    2007 - 2013 LES ETS COMPAORE P. ABEL is an import and distribution company. It is one of top leading company in the sector of plates in aluminium and in steel which is its main activity. The company is also involved in other sectors such as hostel business and the housing sectors and other diverse activities

    -Involvment of the day to day activtity of the company since 2007
    -Assistant supervisor of the CEO.
    - Strategic advisor of the CEO
    -Representation of the CEO at several business meeting
    -Business travel abroad to ensure to ensure a proper disembarkment of merchendise
    -Salesman at some point
    -Direct communication with the business partner of the company serving as a translator French-English.
    -Prospect for investment opportunity for the company growth!


  • Lancaster University Management School (Lancaster)

    Lancaster 2014 - maintenant Msc Finance

    Lancaster University is ranked in the top one percent of universities in the world and top 10 in the UK. MSc Finance is accredited by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and contribute widely to CFA study sessions at Levels I, II and III.

    Financial econometrie
    Financial Markets
    Advance Investment Management
    Advance corporate Finance
    Quantitative Method/Accou
  • Cardiff University Of Wales Institute (Cardiff)

    Cardiff 2013 - 2014 FIRST CLASS degree in BA hons Business and Managmeny studies with International business .
  • UWIC University Of Wales Institute, Cardiff (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 2012 - 2013 Level 2-Grade A

    International Business Management - Finance & Accounting
    Research skills
    Exploring Leadership
    Analyzing Global Economy
    International Political Economy
    Human resource
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 2011 - 2012 Level 1-Grade A

    International Business Management - Business in Context
    Understanding global economy
    Finance for Managers
    Entrepreneurship & Enterprise
    Academic skills for business
    Management Theory & Practice.
  • Superior Institute Of Science And Technology (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 2010 - 2011 Foundation year

    Foundation year (One year of english studies) - Enhancement of communication s skills, co-organizer of a global village event,
  • Lycée Bogodogo De Ouagadougou (Ouagadougou)

    Ouagadougou 2007 - 2010 Baccalaureat in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Branch ( C)

    General Education


Annuaire des membres :