


En résumé

- Over 6 years of experience in SAS programming.
- Real passion for statistical analysis and SAS programming (Base, Macro,Stat, Sql, Graph).
- Pharmaceutical Industry experience (clinic and manufacturing).
- Insurance experience.
- Good planning and organising skills.
- Good knowledge in statistical methods and computer science (VBA, BO, SQL, Office)
- A natural problem solver - ability to solve diverse problems by using own initiatives
- Ability to work quickly and at a high level of detail and accuracy.
- High level of creativity, drive, innovation and initiative.

Mes compétences :
Business Objects
SAS (Base Macro, SQL, Graph, GLT)
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access


  • Mutualité Française

    Paris maintenant

    Châtillon maintenant

    2014 - maintenant Activities :
    •Creation of tools in order to support the automation of statistical analyses for the periodic review of production data.
    •Using statistical methods applied within manufacturing and QC release as statistical intervals, ANOVA models and regression analysis.
    •Redaction of specifications
    •Redaction of user guide

    Programming :
    •Development of macros with SAS (Base, Macro, SQL and Graph).
    •Development of macros with VBA and Excel.
  • Iddi - Statistical programmer SAS (Freelance)

    2014 - 2014 Activities :
    •Analyzing phase I to IV Clinical trials (demography, safety and efficacy).
    •Reading protocols, CRF’s
    •Patient profiles.
    •Quality control of statistical programs and statistical report
    •Writing statistical reports
    •Writing ADAM specifications
    •Balance checks to assure the quality of the randomization procedures

    SAS Programming :
    •Data checking with SAS.
    •Descriptive statistics using SAS macros.
    •Inferential statistics using SAS and STATXACT for analyses requiring exact procedures not available in SAS
    •Graphical representation using SAS GRAPH and GTL
    •Producing randomized treatment list using SAS macros
    •Programming and updating SAS macros and Splus functions
  • Keyrus (GSK Vaccines) - Statistical programmer SAS

    2012 - 2014
    Activities :
    •Involved in Phase I and II clinical trials by providing required tables and listings for oncology service (demography, safety and efficacy)
    •Developed routine SAS Macros to create tables, graphs and listings for inclusion in clinical study reports
    •Quality control of macros and reports
    •Redaction of TFL
    •Review of SAP
    •Respect of quality commitments
    •Participating in the continual improvement of the Quality System

    SAS Programming :
    •Development of SAS programs
    •Generation of datasets and listings
    •Programming by the use of SAS/MACRO
    •Optimization of SAS programs
    •Real-time management of requests
  • Mutualité Française - Data analyst

    Paris 2008 - 2012 Activities :
    •Developing programs through SAS software (Base, Macro, SQL and Graph) in order to control accounting flows coming from our partners
    •Extracting data through Business Object and creating query
    •Creating and automating management tools with VBA and Access
    •Management Project

    SAS Programming :
    •Development of SAS programs
    •Generation of datasets and listings
    •Programming by the use of SAS/MACRO
    •Optimization of SAS programs
    •Real-time management of requests


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :