


En résumé

My career in France began in a press export department at Nouvelle Messageries de la Presse Parisienne when I was tempting first as an Inside sales. I already had several years’ of sales experience behind me but I was impressed by the level and standard of service French companies delivered to its customers. This gave me a great insight to the different ways you can relate to customers and helped me to develop my communication skills.

In 2008 I applied into the position of Inside Sales Europe at ATG group. As I had no previous experience working with IT solutions, I was dubious as to how I would do. However, I have settled into the job well and I was thoroughly enjoying learning new skills. It had been fantastic to see the different aspects of the company and how each area within the business works together to help the company grow into the ever competing online conversion tools market.
Working at Mathworks from 2009 to 2014 was really challenging and motivating: high-profile staff and upscale solutions being currently deployed into different fields of human activities as engineering, medicine, automobile and defense industries. During my time as a SSR, I provided sales, information and service support for the Commercial Sales Representatives. I responded to pricing inquiries as well as processing new sales quotes for new and existing customers. I also attended sales meeting to gain a better understanding of the business.
At the present time, I am looking forward to new opportunities, discovering new horizons...

Mes compétences :
MARKETING - VENTE à distance


  • The MathWorks - Attachée commerciale grands comptes

    2009 - 2014
    Travail en collaboration avec l’équipe commercial dans les phases avant vente ; préparation devis pour les produits/licences MATLAB et Simulink, renouvellement de maintenance, qualification de ‘leads’ grands comptes
  • ATG - Inside Sales Manager EMEA

    2008 - 2008 Prospection téléphonique grands comptes en Europe, détection d’opportunités et qualification, prise et organisation de RDV, élaboration d'offres commerciales pour les solutions de mise en relation a un moment clé du processus d'achat (Click to call, Click to chat, call tracking,campagnes marketing viral,accompagnement et préparation mission à Moscou
  • NMPP - Attaché commerciale export

    2007 - 2007 Direction Commerciale Export à Roissy:
    prospection lancement de nouveautés, études parts de marché, reporting de ventes titres, réalisation d’audits : routage, commissions,
    détermination du prix de vente local,
    promotion pour le développement de ventes multimédia, participation aux Journées Presse de France, recettage outil export-SP2 convergéance.
  • FITS International - Chargée d'études marketing

    2006 - 2007 Préparation étude marché japon compléments alimentaires et aliments fonctionnels; projet exportation d'actifs de plantes médicinales et aromatiques vers l'UE



Annuaire des membres :