


En résumé

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  • EDF Energy - Strategy Analyst

    Paris 2015 - maintenant Strategy Analyst - Corporate Strategy
  • ENGIE - Market Analyst

    COURBEVOIE 2014 - 2015 Within GDF Suez Center of Expertise in Economic Modeling and Studies (CEEME) attached to the Corporate Strategy division, various projects already realized with a focus on downstream an new businesses activities. Mainly:

    - Cross country (EU level) economic analysis of gas (CNG/LNG) for transportation potential profitability and inherent risks.
    - Assessment of potential business opportunity for off-grid LNG as a substitute of Heavy fuel oil and LPG for European industries.
    - Economic analysis on the impact in 2020-2030 of distributed/off grid energy generation.
    - Energy Savings Company contracting model risk framework analysis. Monte Carlo computation of its potential impact on business plans.
    - New business model design for smart meter data valorization.
  • Presans, Paris - Business Analyst

    2013 - 2014 External Collaborator - Business Analyst

    Presans is an Open Innovation Intermediary

    Within this strongly R&D oriented startup (informatics and management):
    - Support of the operation managers for internal process improvements
    - Support of the business developers within the Energy and healthcare sectors (EU + North America)
    - Analyze of worldwide competition: development of a more relevant positioning strategy
    - Research work on the new role of expert and expertise within companies.
  • French Embassy in the US - EDF Open Innovation Team, Washington DC, USA - Intern

    2012 - 2012 1) Qualitative and quantitative analyze of the structure, process and ecosystem of the ARPA-E innovation fund of the US Department of Energy in order to :
    -Inform the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs about this major innovation in public funding of green energy disruptive research
    -Help EDF R&D Open Innovation Team to select, adapt and implement some of ARPA-E's most unique and efficient practices.

    2) Exhaustive analyze of the different Regulations (Federal and States) and Research programs happening in the US concerning the reduction of the environmental impact of shale gas extraction
  • La Poste, Paris - Junior consultant

    Paris-15E-Arrondissement 2011 - 2012 Design Thinking, Open Innovation and Intrapreneurship teamwork for the La Poste Group :
    - Analysis of the global logistic chain of La Poste, identification of problems in mail delivery.
    - Customers satisfaction study in mail delivery.
    - Proposition of innovative and creative solutions, prototypes and business plan elaboration, preliminary operational development.
  • CNRS, institut Langevin, Laboratoire Optique Physique, UMR 7587, Paris - Intern

    2011 - 2011 Academic Research internship.
    "Lesion detection and ultrasonic therapy using transitonal opto-elastography experimentations"

    supervisor : Dr Emmanuel BOSSY, emmanuel.bossy@espci.fr
  • Philips Research North America, New-York, USA - Intern

    2010 - 2010 R&D internship at Philips Research North America,
    Ultrasound, Photonics and Bioinformatics (UPB) departement
    "Cross modality experimentation for an anatomically intelligent echocardigraphy"

    supervisor : Dr Emil RADULESCU, emil.radulescu@philips.com
  • Physique-Chimie Avenir, junior entreprise, Paris - Président

    2008 - 2010 President of Physique Chimie Avenir (PCA), the ESPCI ParisTech Junior-Entreprise. (www.pca.espci.fr)



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