


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Inventory Management
Oracle Applications
Supply Chain Management
Warehouse management


  • Comcel Voila Haiti - Procurement Manager

    2007 - maintenant Comcel is a cellular phone service provider in Haiti. Comcel Voila has a customer base of 1.5 million customers. Comcel Voila is the second largest GSM provider in Haiti.

    My duties are ensuring compliance with procurement policies, procedures and compliance initiatives, recommending changes to where appropriate, ensure procurement comply with sox compliance, meet and review controls with internal audit, and work cross functionally to resolve issues as required. Work closely with Accounts Payable to add/maintain suppliers with correct classifications, invoice approval and negotiating contracts.

     Implement SAP Business One software for Inventory, Purchasing and Warehousing Modules.
     Implement new Purchasing, Inventory and Warehousing process and policies.
     Achieved better purchasing price deals by going to Manufacturers directly.
     Improved SAC cost for phones over the years by 40% .
     Overall Procurement savings improved by 20% on annually basis.
     Manage Capex Budget for construction projects ensure projects within budget.
     Improve retail stores and warehouse accountability.
     Improve logistic and delivery time to dealers, retail stores and end users depts.
     Improve Inventory accuracy level at retail stores and warehouse to 98% accuracy level.
     Improve Opex cost through better purchasing price for maintenance items.
     Improve the efficiency of the Procurement dept.
     Able to provide month end reports within the schedule period set by Head office in USA.
     Improve Custom clearance process and reducing delays of projects.
     Reduce logistics cost for freight and shipping by maximize use of containers, also reduce airfreight charges by having a contractual agreement. Purchase trucks to reduce rentals and contractual agreement which base on trips/hours.
     Provide freight cost comparison report to show savings between previous agreements and present agreements showing savings which are being made.
     Reorganized Logistic dept making it function more effective and producing results in reduction of operating cost by 60% and eliminating waste.
  • Cambior Guiana Shield - Procurement Coordinator

    1995 - 2007 My duties were ensuring compliance with procurement policies, procedures and compliance initiatives, recommending changes where appropriate, ensure sox compliance, review controls with auditors, and work cross functionally to resolve issues as required, work closely with Accounts Payable to resolved any suppliers issues.

    I have also work six (6) months at Cambior Head office in Montreal with Price Water House, as an Oracle Functional leader for entire Cambior Organization Oracle system upgrade. Was trained has an Oracle Super User in Inventory Control, Order Management and Purchasing.

     Transfer for eighteen (18) months to Rosebel Gold Mines to setup, organize and trained employees for Warehousing and Purchasing.
     Setup and organize warehousing storage facilities for Omai Bauxite Mining, and Omai Services.
     Setup and organize inventory control group for Omai Bauxite Mining, and Omai Services.
     Setup and organize purchasing dept for Omai Bauxite Mining, Rosebel Gold Mines and Omai Services.
     Trained Procurement employees for various functions within the respective department.
     Implement policies and procedures to govern the Procurement department of Rosebel, Omai Bauxite and Omai Services.
     Implement systems to have better control of purchasing locally and oversea.
     Achieved better purchasing prices with suppliers by negotiating yearly contractual agreements for specific merchandise.
     Supervise reduction of inventory investment through obsolescence and disposal of surplus material to suppliers for credit or third party purchases.
     Reduce Omai Gold Inventory from $18 million dollars to 6 million through obsolescence, third party sales and inventory review project.
     Develop and implement Dangerous Goods and WHMIS cataloguing procedures for ISO 9001 certification.
     Work with Consultants to design and implement Inventory Forecasting module for Cambior Guiana Shield.
     Reduce logistics cost for freight and shipping by maximize container packing, scheduling of trucks and assigning correct equipment base on needs.
     Create and implement inventory/purchasing catalog for Oracle system implementation.


  • (N.L.P.A) Association Next Level In Purchasing (P.O.Box 1360,Moon Township, A 15108 U.S.)

    P.O.Box 1360,Moon Township, A 15108 U.S. 2012 - 2013 Senior Professional in Supply Management - Managing Supplier Performance,Negotiation No-No's,15 Rules For Ethical Supplier Interaction,Mastering Purchasing Fundamentals,Supply Management Contract Writing,Powerful Negotiation for Successful Buying,14 Purchasing Best Practices,Savings Strategy Development,Secrets of Painless Services Contracting, Part I
    Secrets of Painless Services Contracting, Part
  • Institute Of Alberta Canada (Edmonton)

    Edmonton 2001 - 2002 PMAC Principles of Inventory and Operations Control


Annuaire des membres :