


En résumé

Emilie discovered the recruitment discipline in 2007, during her successful internship within an international finance recruitment firm based in Luxembourg.
Thanks to this experience, she joined a listed specialised provider of employment services after having obtained her Bachelor Degree in Human Resources Management. There, she built her recruitment expertise in looking for professional service support staff and finance specialists for a wide range of companies.
From 2010, she has dedicated her recruitment experience in the finance world with, initially, a strong exposure to the industrial and commercial sector within Badenoch and Clark. She is now responsible for the Audit/Advisory & Consulting division and provides recruitment services within the financial services sector in Luxembourg.
Emilie speaks French & English and enjoys running during her leisure time.

emilie.monfort@badenochandclark.lu / 00352 26 19 28 10 05

Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Letzeburg, Letzebuerg, Recruitment, Staffing, Executive Search, Search, Search & Selection, Head Hunting, Head Hunter, HR, Human Resources, Personnel, Job, Career, Audit, Auditor, Auditeur, Senior Manager, Advisory, Consulting, Consultancy, Advice, Tax, Indirect Tax, VAT returns, VAT reconciliations, Legal, Compliance, Lawyer, IFRS, US GAAP, Lux GAAP, Reporting, Regulatory, Regulation, Rules, Compliance, AIFMD, BASEL III, EMIR, FATCA, UCITS, SOX, CISA, Certified Information Systems Auditor, IT Risk Assessment, IT Security, Anti-Money Laundering, AML, KYC test, Enterprise Risk Management, ERM, Operational Risk, Credit Risk, Auditor, Certified Chartered Accountant, ACCA, FCCA, Réviseur d’entreprises, Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises, Internal Auditor, Certified Internal Auditor, CIA, Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), IDEA, ACL, CSSF, COSO, COBIT, Directeur Financier, Financial Director, Senior Accountant, Chef Comptable, Accountant, Accounting, Contrôleur Financier, Financial Controller, Finance, FD, CEO, CFO, COO, MD, Managing Director, Director

Mes compétences :
contrôleur financier
Directeur Financier
financial controller
Human ressources


  • Badenoch & Clark - Recruitment Consultant

    Paris 2011 - maintenant Through Badenoch & Clark brand we are Luxembourg’s preferred provider of quality permanent recruitment solutions and executive search. We are one of the longest established recruitment firms, operating in Luxembourg since 2003.

    Badenoch & Clark is a specialist for:

    • Banking & Financial Services
    • Accounting & Finance
    • Legal

    We provide companies with access to the best employees in the market and connect local and international professionals with Luxembourg’s finest institutions.

    We base our success around our knowledge of the markets in which we operate, our extended network of relationships and our expertise in the recruitment process.

    If you’re looking for the right career choices or to attract the best talent to your organisation, you’ll want to work with a partner who can make things happen. Someone who understands your market and has a track record of success.

    Our Luxembourg Office, is a vibrant and culturally diverse group of nationalities, including, Belgian, British, Dutch, German, French, Polish, and Italian.
  • Robert Walters Luxembourg - Recruitment Consultant

    2010 - 2011
  • USG People (Startpeople HR Solutions) - Recruitment Consultant

    2007 - 2010


  • HENAM (Champion)

    Champion 2004 - 2007 Human Resources Management


Annuaire des membres :