The new ICT technologies (e.g. Big Data, Internet Of Thing) open up new opportunities in terms of business and QoS. The collect of data has experienced an exponential increase since the last decade. Unfortunately only a few amount is turned into value. Nowadays, Decision aid methodologies are the cutting edge tools to understand data and extract knowledge. My background starts in this ICT world with statistical decision making which brought me to discover the R language, SAS/STAT and SPSS. I got the opportunities to apply them in a professional environment (Arcelor Mittal R&D) along with my studies. At this occasion, I observed that, in our fast-changing world, these methodologies reached some limitations. The new ICT technologies raise new numerous challenges which require to design and deploy new decision tools. I pursued my studies in optimisation and algorithmic which are the core of operation research and machine learning. At this stage, the question was not only how to analyse data but also how to make them valuable assets to solve a problem. The recent advances in artificial intelligence drove my attention to search and develop new approaches. For these reasons, I joined a research team at the University of Luxembourg. Funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund ( ), I am currently developing new approaches to solve bi-level optimisation problems (Stackelberg games) using machine learning and bio-inspired algorithms.
Mes compétences :
Recherche opérationnelle
Python Programming
SAS Statistical Package
Programming skills
Principal Component Analysis
Multiple Discriminant Analysis
Microsoft C-SHARP
Microsoft Access
Microsoft .NET Technology
Linear Programming
Internal Audit
Functional data analysis
Database Management
Business Intelligence
Assembly Plants