
Emmanuelle PLANUS


En résumé

J'enseigne la Biologie Cellulaire et plus spécifiquement la biomécanique cellulaire de la Licence au Master à l'Université de Grenoble Joseph Fourier (UJF).
Mes recherches au sein du centre de recherche INSERM-UJF U823 à l'Institut du Cancer Albert Bonniot, se focalisent sur l'étude moléculaire et mécanique de l'adhérence cellulaire et son implication dans les pathologies cancéreuses.


  • Institut Albert Bonniot Centre de recherche INSERM/UJF - Senior Scientist

    Grenoble 2006 - maintenant Project: mechanical analyse of cellular adherence (focal adhesion, podosome) and cytoskeletal structures to physically constrain biological supports.
  • Université de Grenoble (Université Joseph Fourier) - Maitre de Conférences en Biologie

    1999 - maintenant
  • University Paris XII - Senior Scientist

    1999 - 2004 the laboratory ``Physiopathology and Respiratory Therapeutic'' INSERM U492, Paris, team Biomécanique Cellulaire et Respiratoire, Head: Dr Daniel Isabey. Projects: 1- Characterization and modelization of alveolar macrophage sensitivity to the mechanical and adhesive properties of the underlying substrate. 2- Involvement of environmental mechanical properties in the dynamic of adherent actin microdomains (podosomes) in collaboration with CNRS 5525, University Joseph Fourrier Grenoble (CNRS Délégation).
  • Université Paris XII - Post-doctoral position

    1996 - 1999 laboratory ``Physiopathology and Respiratory Therapeutic'' INSERM U492, Paris, supervisor: Dr Daniel Isabey. Project: Involvement of cellular mechanical and proteolytic properties in cell-matrix interactions : roles in morphology, migration and cellular reparation.
  • Harvard School of Public Health/University Paris XII - PhDstudent

    1993 - 1996 Predoctoral position at University Paris XII and Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA, Laboratory for cells and molecular mechanic, Physiology Program, advisors Dr Ning Wang/ Barlovtaz Meimon G. Project: Adhesion and mechanotransduction via the proteolytic complex UPAr/UPA/PAI-1



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