


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Communication événementielle
Stratégie digitale
Communication interne
Marketing opérationnel
Gestion de partenariats
Communication orale
Prise de parole
Evènementiel et Partenariats
Organisation d'évènements
Aisance relationelle
Marketing relationnel
Gestion budgétaire


  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise‎ - Country Marketing Manager

    2012 - maintenant budget, plan marketing par quarter integrant du digital de l'evenementiel, une equipe de telemarketing a coordonner a distance.

    Depuis novembre 2015, plan de lancement de la nouvelle marque sur le territoire francais, comment faire connaitre une nouvelle marque adapter les messages a une culture et marche unique qui est le marche Francais? quells leviers accionner pour etre le plus pertinent possible pour etre a la fois visible et aller chercher du business et avoir une approche de detection de projets? Un opportunite unique s'est offerte a moi et il s'agit la d'une mission passionnante au quotidian.
  • Hewlett Packard - Junior area category manager

    COURTABOEUF 2010 - 2012 Knowing how to differentiate our products to the competition
    Understand and anticipate market changes
    Analyzing competition positionning

    Here are some of the key objectives for a junior product manager.

    But we also have to know how to train the sales team, show them our benefits and create them power point presentation to help them in their negociation.

    Work as a team, work under pressure are key success factors

    My experience helps me be more self confident and more confident toward my work efficiency. It makes me work in a complex and exciting sector which is the IT one.

    After my apprenticeship (which ends in september 2012), I want to keep working in this marketing and strategic area.
    I want to take more responsibilities and be more engaged in strategic decisions before during and after product creation.



Annuaire des membres :