Responsible of the Environmental Assessment R&I programme at CRP Henri Tudor.
Managing a team of 13 researchers working in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Carbon Footprint, Ecological Footprint, Ecodesign, Ecoinnovation and eMergy evaluation.
13 years of experience in the development of innovative tools and methodologies for environmental assessment of human made systems, towards decision aiding support in the context of Post Normal Science.
Just published:
Marvuglia A., Benetto E., Rugani B., Rios G. SCALE: Software for CALculating Emergy based on life cycle inventories. Accepted for publication in Ecological Modelling
Igos E., Benetto E, Venditti S., Koehler C., Cornelissen A., Moeller R., Biwer A. Is it better to remove pharmaceuticals in decentralized or conventional wastewater treatment plants? A life cycle assessment comparison. Accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment.
Igos E., Benetto E., Venditti S., Cornelissen A. Comparative and integrative environmental assessment of advanced wastewater treatment processes based on an average removal of pharmaceuticals. Accepted for publication in Water Science and Technology
Köhler C, Venditti S, Igos E, Klepiszewski K, Benetto E, Cornelissen A. Elimination of pharmaceutical residues in hospital wastewater using advanced uv irradiation technology: a comparative assessment. Accepted for publication in Journal of hazardous Materials
Publications, research projects and activities:
Life Cycle Assessment
Carbon Footprint
Ecological Footprint
Uncertainty analysis
Mes compétences :
Analyse du cycle de vie de produits ou services
analyse multicritère
Recherche et Développement
Consultance et Gestion de projets
Analyse du cycle de vie
Évaluation environnementale
services écologiques